Предмет: Биология, автор: S7eWentyzz

Известно, что русский осётр крупная проходная рыба, является объектом промысла.
Используя эти сведения, выберите из приведённого ниже списка три утверждения,
относящиеся к описанию данных признаков этого животного
Запишите в ответе цифры соответствующие выбранным ответам.
1) У рыбы мощное веретенообразное тело, удлинённая голова слегка заостренной формы
ступым рылом на конце.
2) Средняя масса тела рыб достигает 15-25 кг, а длина тела 2 метров.
3) Спина серо-коричневого цвета, бока серо-жёлтые, брюхо светлое
4) Самцы становятся половозрелыми в возрасте 8-13 лет, самки в 8-20 лет.
5) Отметав икру в реках, осетры скатываются в Каспийское, Чёрное или Азовское моря,
где происходит нагул до следующего нереста.
6) Русский осётр стал одним из первых объектов культивирования в рыбных хозяйствах.​


Автор ответа: KILIEVALONA




Средняя масса тела 15—25 кг. Максимальная длина тела 236 см

Спина серо-коричневого цвета, бока серо-желтые, брюхо светлое

Самцы становятся половозрелыми в возрасте 8—13 лет; самки — 8—20 лет.


S7eWentyzz: спасибо брооо
KILIEVALONA: апхах, you're welcome :)
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: farinaggggg
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Nearly one and a half million Tuareg people live in and around the Sahara Desert of northern Africa in some of the most inhospitable conditions in the world. They are
descended from the original inhabitants of northern Africa, and speak a Berber language which haste its own alphabet. The Tuareg have a tradition of oral and written poetry, and rock inscriptions can be seen throughout the Sahara.
The desert itself is as large as the US without Alaska. To outsiders, it looks like an impossible place to live, but the Tuareg have learned how to adapt. They are mainly nomadic, that is,they move around_with their animals between dry and wet season camps.
Three to five families camp together in leather tents, which are dyed reddish brown with earth pigment. The tents are comfortable inside with mats or carpets on the ground, and flaps which are raised or lowered, according to the time of day, to control the temperature .
Nature has forced the Tuareg to be nomadic. Rainfall is uncertain and grass or pasture for the animals is uncommon, so they have to move in order to find food. In the long dry season, families need to camp near a well of water, to whevery day or two.
But when it rains, the animals are free to wander widely for a few months, eating well and putting on the weight they lost during the dry season. And as the animals wander, so do the families.
Changes are, however, taking place in this traditional way of life. Since 1969 they have suffered from seasons of little or no rain. Animals and humans have died of starvation. And political changes have affected them too. The Tuareg people were used to wandering freely across the land. But their world has been broken up by the creation of newly independent countries whose politicians do not like the nomadic habits of the Tuareg.
As a result of these changes, many young Tuareg men are making long journeys to northern African countries to find salaried jobs. And (20)________, the future for the Tuareg way of life doesn’t look hopeful.