Предмет: История, автор: valerapovzunvi

якими були територіально-адміністративний устрій та система управління на лівобережжі


Автор ответа: irinka2603
Традиційній уклад ,який існував на території лівобережжя
Полково-сотенний устрій,доки Катерина 2 не видала свої укази про знищення Гетьманщини
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Три задания
сотня баллов

Exercise 2.

Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns (yourself, herself, himself etc.)

I can do it _________.
He made ________ a cup of tea.
Don’t play with the knife; you can hurt __________.
Tom prefers living by _________.
There are computer games where you can play against__________. You always win!
I am proud of _________.
Alan made this dish________.
He cut ________ with the knife while he was sharpening it.
She often talks to________ when she is upset.

Exercise 3.

Form abstract nouns from the following adjectives.

Wise ————————–
Good ————————–
Vacant ————————–
Sweet ————————–
Human ————————–
Free ————————–
Proud ————————–
Brave ————————–
Novel ————————–
Poor ————————–

Exercise 4.

Fill in the gaps with one of the following words:

Darkness, accept, imagination, beyond, to manage, based on, fight, gradually

The origin of fear lies in the unknown. Be it the darkness, ghosts, weather calamities or whatever is unknown to the man is feared the most. If you are walking in (1) _______, you are afraid to go ahead, fearing what will come next. However, as the light appears, the fear tends to settle down. Fear, thus, is just a manifestation of your (2) _______ ruled by cowardliness. When we get certain information on our fears, we get relaxed. However, it’s not going to be possible that we will always get the information on the unknown. Then what can we really do (3) _____ our fears?

Accept your fears: There’s no need to fight your fears. The more you (4) ______, the more they will haunt you. If you accept them the way they are, they will bring a shift in your consciousness necessary to move (5) _______ the fear.
Fear is normal: There’s nothing to be embarrassed about in being afraid. If you are afraid, then you are. Society has connected fear with the sign of weakness and that is one of the reasons why we hate to accept that we are afraid. When you (6) ______ fear as a normal emotion, it doesn’t bother you anymore.
Explore the unknown: Every year, make a list of things that you fear the most. Then, do something everyday that gets you closer to the unknown factor residing in your fear. (7)______, you will overcome all your fears one by one.
Know the roots: Go into the source of your fear. Some fears are (8) ______ past conditioning. Having a good understanding of the roots from where it all started will help in moving toward state of fearlessness.