Предмет: Українська мова, автор: Аноним

ПЖ дам 200 балов
Наведені пари речень поєднати в одне за допомогою сполучників, запропонованих у довідці. Записати, визначити вид речень за будовою. Виділити головні члени речення.
1. Скинеться зрідка у воді рибина. Нічний птах залопоче у темряві крилами. 2. Люди перестають мислити. Перестають читати. 3. На річці бухикнуло весло. Злякано пискнув кулик. 4. Привчив мене батько трудитись до поту. Мати — любити пісні.
Довідка: або, коли, та, а. ​


Автор ответа: anya16788


1. виставити(,коли)

2. (, або)

3.(, та)



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anya16788: какой?
anya16788: за сколько баллов?
anya16788: отлично
anya16788: ок
anya16788: жду
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Помогите, пожалуйста.
Прочитайте и письменно переведите.
1. A corporation is a business organization authorized by the state to conduct business
and is a separate legal entity from its owners. It is the dominant form of American
business because it makes it possible to gather large amounts of capital together.
2. Before a corporation may do business, it must apply for and receive a charter from the
state. The state must approve the articles of incorporation, which describe the basic
purpose and structure of the proposed corporation.
3. The stockholders usually meet once a year to elect directors and to carry on other
important business. Each share of stock entitles its owner to one vote. A stockholder
who cannot attend the meeting can legally authorize to vote his or her shares by proxy.
4. Management of a corporation consists of the board of directors who decide corporate
policy, and the officers, who carry on the daily operations. The board is elected by the
stockholders, and the officers are appointed by the board.
5. Some specific duties of the board of directors are to declare dividends, authorize
contracts, decide on executive salaries, and arrange major loans with banks.
Management`s main means of reporting the corporations financial position and results
of operations is its annual report.
6. The corporation form of business has several advantages over the sole proprietorship
and partnership. It is a separate legal entity and offers limited liability to the owners,
ease of capital generation and ease of transfer of ownership. In addition, it allows
centralized authority, responsibility and professional management.
7. The corporation form of business also has several disadvantages. It is subject to
greater government regulation and double taxation. In addition, separation of
ownership and control may allow management to make harmful decisions.

а) Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why is corporation the dominant form of American business?
2. How often do the stockholders usually meet?
3. What does management of a corporation consist of?
4. What can a stockholder do if he cannot attend the meeting?
5. What advantages has the corporate form of business?

б) Найдите в тексте термин stock и уточните его значение в данном тексте.

в) Вместо пропуска вставьте подходящее слово:
1. A corporation is the dominant form of American …
2. Management of a corporation consist of the …
3. The board of directors is elected by the …
4. The corporation form of business has several … over the sole proprietorship.
5. The corporate form of business also has several ….

г) Найдите в тексте производные от следующих слов:
to elect, to own, to manage, to add.
Предмет: Математика, автор: kisya890