Предмет: Русский язык, автор: dzhenvag

Синтаксический разбор предложения где то далеко прогремело эхо


Автор ответа: ozrokova2009
Где-то _._._ далеко _._._. Прогремело ===== эхо ____

vasilevalera90: По цели высказывания: Повествовательное
По интонации : Невосклицательное
По количеству грамматических основ: Простое
По количеству главных членов предложения: Двусоставное
По наличию второстепенных членов: Распространенное
- Не осложнено обращениями, вводными словами и однородными членами
vasilevalera90: Наречия-"где","далеко".Союз-"то".Глагол в личной форме-"прогремело".Существительное -"эхо"
Автор ответа: emilianaurzbaeva


Где-то(наречие,обстоят.) далеко(нареч,обстоят) прогремело(гл,сказ.) эхо(сущ.,подл).(Повеств.,невоскл.,ПП.,распр.,не осложнено).

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вставить present/past simple^
1.I often...(see) his brozer but he never...(speak)to me.
2.The director...(speak) to the employees three hours ago.
3.The man...(domesticate) the dog many years ago.
4.My friend...(spend) a lot of money every day.
5.The woman...(drrive) to the shop last Sanday.
6.My parents...(leave) for Paris last Thursday.
7.Everu day Peter...(clean) his room.
8.Yesterday Peter...(wash) the dishes.
9.Ann and Mary usually...(help) their partnts.
10.Most of the families...(take) out their trash every week.
11.Children...(wash) the windows today.
12.My grandmother always...(prepare)the breakfast.
13.Kate...(fold) the laundry two weeks ago.
14.We...(decorate) our house every winter.
15.My mother...(work) in garden every spring.
16.These boys...(study) at school.
17.Children...(love) their parents.
18. My father...(make) a surprise for my last birthday.
19.My mother...(make) a surprise for my birthday every year.
1. Every day Kate...(go) to work by tram/Yesterday morning she...(wake) up early and...(decide) to walk.
2.Last week,Mr.Smith...(buy) a new house near his office. Every day he...(come) to the office at eight o clock. He usually...(have) his there too,but yesterday he...(go) home to eat.
3. Susan...(like) to go to the cinema on weekends very much. Last weekend she...(invite) her friends Peter and Helen to go and watch a new action film. The...(arrive) at the cinema around 19:30and the film...(start at 19:45
4.Once a Сhristian...(play)football. But last wttk,he...(stay) at home and...(play)chess wict his friend.