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Locolized parodontitis is a disease,characterized by the inflammation and the destruction of parodontium in the area of one or several teeth.The course of lacolized parodontitis may be chronic,aoute and exacerbated.The clinical manifestations depend on the etiological factor,the severity of parodontal lesion and the character of inflammatory process.The causes of parodontitis development are local injurious.The most common cause is chronic trauma,for example,the trauma of gingiva.The patients complain of pain,bleeding of gums,dysfunction of the affected area.If infection occurs the pain and edema of tissues increase.Chronic localized parodontitis has a prolonged course and its charactirized by insignificant subjective symptomatology.Most often pain occurs while eating.
General parodontitis is known to occur in 90-95 per cent of patients.The characteristic signs are following:symptomatic gingivits,parodontal pockets,traumatic occlusion and resorption of the alveolar bone.There are chronic and acute courses of this disease.Clinically chronic generalized parodontitis is characterized by chronic symtomatic gingivits,the cotent of serous or seropurulent exudate in patodontal pockets.The x-ray examination reveals a modarate resorption of the alveolar bone.Mobility of teeth corresponds to the degree of alveolar bone absorption.