Предмет: Русский язык, автор: pod123

русский, 9 класс, помогите пожалуйста​



Автор ответа: skazkavostocnaa



1. Герасим схватил Муму, стиснул ее в своих объятьях; она в одно мгновенье облизала ему нос, глаза, усы и бороду. (Т. ) 2. За рекой разноголосо пели девчата; пахло сеном, отсыревающей пылью и дымом костров. (Фад. ) 3. Опять все затихло, только ветер шевелил сучья дерев, то открывая, то закрывая звезды. (Л. Т. ) 4. Было жарко, душно, в закрытые двери стучался ветер, в печке гудело; слышались вздохи из кухни, вздохи зловещие. (Ч. ) 5. Между колесами телег, полузавешенных коврами, горит огонь; семья кругом готовит ужин; в чистом поле пасутся кони; за шатром Ручной медведь лежит на воле. (П. ) 6. Пред ними лес; недвижны сосны в своей нахмуренной красе; отягчены их ветви все клоками снега; сквозь вершины осин, берез и лип нагих сияет луч светил ночных; дороги нет; кусты, стремнины метелью все занесены, глубоко в снег погружены. (П. ) 7. Я ждал, схватив рогатый сук, Минуту битвы; сердце вдруг зажглося жаждою борьбы и крови. (Л. ) 8. Не плавали кругами распластанные коршуны, не висели в воздухе внимательно трепещущие кобчики, не стрекотали на все лады кузнечики- степные музыканты. (Сераф. ) 9. Тихий ветер сонно веет с тихой, мутной Оки, качаются золотые лютики, отягчённые росою, лиловые колокольчики немотно опустились к земле, разноцветные бессмертники сухо торчат на малоплодном дёрне, раскрывает алые звезды "ночная красавица" - гвоздика. (М. Г. )

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Переведите пожалуйста текст, Why sleep is the best medicine?
by David Flak
It's late at night and you have an important exam in the morning. You're sitting with your notes and books and you're beginning to feel tired. Should you listen to your mother’s advice and go to bed?
Or should you stay up all night and try to learn?
Well, scientists say that our mothers are probably right — it's best to go to bed early before a big
exam. Last year in Germany, scientists looked into the effects of sleep on university students. They found out that students who had at least four hours of sleep did better in exams. It also turned out that the students who had a lot of sleep had better scores in IQ tests. So why is sleep good for our brains?
First of all, scientists believe that after a hard day of thinking, our memories are very messy. Sleep
helps to tidy up our thoughts and memories and to put everything in the right place again. Because of this, it’s easier to remember facts clearly, which, of course, is important in exams.

When we sleep, our brains also continue thinking about our problems from the day before. We can sometimes come up with the answers to difficult problems after sleeping. There are many examples of this in history.

In the nineteenth century, the chemical structure of benzene was still a big mystery to scientists. The German chemist Friedrich von Kekule worked on this problem for many years. One afternoon, while he was travelling on a London bus, von Kekule fell asleep. He had a strange dream - snakes were coming towards him with their tails in their mouths! When he woke up, von Kekule knew that he had the answer to his problem — the atoms were arranged in a circle like his funny snakes!

But sleep does not only improve our memories and help us to find the answer to problems.
Scientists believe that we are more creative after sleep too. Keith Richards, the guitarist of The
Rolling Stones, came up with the melody for Satisfaction, their biggest hit, as he was taking a nap in a London hotel room. The Irish writer Bram Stoker also got the idea for his masterpiece Dracula, the classic horror story while he was sleeping. He ate crabs late at night before going to bed, had some strange nightmares and kept on waking up!

So, take my advice - do you want to remember more in your exam tomorrow? The answer is simple - go to bed early!
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