Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lashroale3839

Нужно сложить с каждым из слов на картинке предложение в неправильной форме глаголов(2 предложения на 1 слово),даю 80 балов, пожалуйста помогите



Автор ответа: SheldonCooper12



1)My brother stood in a big queue for the cake yesterday at the shop.

2)The teacher bragged Katie that she stood up for herself .


1)A man in train stole a bag full of money and fled away from the scene of crime.

2)Pupil stole from teacher's desk answers of the text.


1)My brother stuck a note on my back "Kick me".

2)The note was stuck on fridge about taking the trash out.


1)Inattentive boy got stung by a bee.

2) A bee settling on a flower has stung a child


1)The famous Big Ben struck 12 o'clock.

2)Two climbers were struck by falling rocks.


1)Boy swore never to do harm to her little sister.

2)Katie swore to her parents to get only good marks.


1)I was giving the floor a quick sweep

2)The road was swept by community.


1)The girl swung in the playground then she went at home.

2)She swung her legs off the bed and closed her eyes


1)Mother taught her daughter do the math just perfectly.

2)She taught him the tricks of the trade.


1)Jony tore apart his copybook because he got bad mark.

2)He took this map of the world, tore it into almost a thousand pieces, and threw it on the floor.


1)Father told his son to go upstairs to complete his h/w.

2)My mother told me to be carefull in playground and not to talk to anyone.

12-indefinite verb


1)I was upset because my best friend flew far away from me not saying goodbye.

2)This bad mark at math upset him very much.


1)I woke up in a great mood because i'm happy to live on this world.

2)I woke up because i heard steps downstairs.


1)Jennifer wept all night because her brother ripped off her daily diary.

2)A the end of movie "Hachi:A dog's tale" my family wept,including me.


SheldonCooper12: The 10th word i couldn't see through.Would be great if you told me the word,if you want it done
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умотивова(н)ість, ешело(н)ий, єди(н)ий.
Ключ. З перших букв прочитаєте вислів Лесі Українки.