Предмет: Английский язык, автор: tancafer3401

очень срочно нужно пожалуйста помогите очень надо ​



Автор ответа: olgagamer


5) 1.was



   4. were





6) 1. It's a beautiful industrial city

   2. He suddenly collapsed during my lecture.

   3. Shout loudly, and you'll be fine.

   4. We really don't drink anything.

   5. Nothing you do will bring them back.


Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: klubnikaalinka
VIII. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола во времени Simple (Present, Past or Future)
1. Children always … a lot of questions.
a. ask b. asks c. asking
2. I usually … on Friday nights.
a. goes out b. go out c. will go out
3. We … a wonderful time in London last week.
a. has b. having c. had
4. He … a new job next Tuesday.
a. start b. started c. will start
5. Last year they … to Moscow.
a. Moves b. moved c. will move
IX. Выберите личное, притяжательное или объектное местоимение.
1. 1. Why did you ask … to come? I don’t like ….
a. she / her b. her / her c. her /she
2. Can you help … with this task?
a. me b. I c. My
3. We usually see … at the weekend.
a. they b. them c. their
4. How did you teach … to read?
a. he b. his c. him
5. …. like her new car, but ….. doesn’t like mine.
a. I / she b. I / her c. me / she
6. …. would like to go to the cinema tonight, would you like to join …?
a. we / us b. we / our c. we / we
7. We met yesterday and talked a lot about …. new job and … new boyfriend.
a. my / she b. my / her c. me / she
X. Выберите соответствующую форму прилагательного в сравнительной или превосходной степени сравнения.
1. The Everest is … mountain on Earth.
a. high b. the highest c. higher
2. Eurasia is … continent.
a. bigger b. biggest c. the biggest
3. Summer is usually … than spring.
a. hotter b. the hotter c. the hottest
4. Chinese is … than English.
a. more difficult b. difficult c. the most difficult
5. February is … month.
a. short b. the shorter c. the shortest
6. She is … than me.
a. more intelligent b. intelligent c. the most intelligent
7. Your story is … than mine.
a. more exciting b. the most exciting c. exciting
8. You have a … life than I have.
a. busier b. busy c. the busiest
XI. Выберите правильный перевод.
1. I have got as many friends as you’ve got.
a. больше друзей b. столько же друзей
c. много друзей
2. My car is not as fast as yours.
a. не такая быстрая как b. такая же быстрая как
c. быстрее
3. The more you work, the more money you get.
a. чем больше, тем больше b. все больше, и больше
c. много, много
4. The less we know, the less we forget.
a. чем меньше, тем меньше b. все меньше, и меньше c. мало, мало
XII. Прочитайте текст и укажите, верны (True) или нет (False) следующие за ним утверждения.

My perfect weekend
I am Elizabeth Haycox, a bookshop owner in Hay-on-Wye. There is also a café and a small cinema in my bookshop.
On any Friday afternoon you can find me in Richard Booth’s, the second-hand bookshop I run in Hay-on-Wye. Every Friday I frantically prepare for Saturday. I make sure the books are on the shelves, the napkins for the café are ironed, and we have enough popcorn and sweets in our 47-seat cinema. I don’t want any nasty surprises. As Hay Festival approaches (22 May - 1 June) I’m even busier. There is a lot of work to do: I paint my shop, I get in new stock, and I work out how to make the place as inspiring as possible.
I can’t say I’m the first in on Saturday but I am there for the whole day, as it’s the busiest day of the week. I am ready to do any job. I waitress in the café, I take tickets for the Saturday matinee, I change the loo rolls and I work the tills in the bookshop.
I like working on Saturdays. As a teenager I babysat, worked as a motel maid and in shops almost every Saturday. I like being independent and making my own money.
When I get home from the shop on Saturday, Paul (my husband) and I often find ourselves driving 45 minutes for dinner at someone’s house. It’s an English country tradition, isn’t it? Or we have people over to our house and Paul cooks.
I never work on Sundays; it’s a day when I relax. I lie in until about 7.30am and then take our dogs for a workout. Sunday lunch is my favourite meal; I cook a traditional roast or make a clam chowder. Then I take a nap.
After a refreshing cup of tea and a toasted cheese sandwich, I work my way through the papers for Festival inspiration and lie in bed with my ideas – not all of them good.
On Monday morning I am back in the shop. The good thing about retail is that every week starts afresh. There’ll be a new menu in the café, new films in the cinema and new books. And after working on Saturday, I’ll have a day off midweek for shopping in London.

1. Elizabeth owns a bookshop in London.
a. true b. false
2. The book shop sells new books.
a. true b. false
3. Sunday is the busiest day of the week.
a. true b. false
4. Elizabeth is married to Paul.
a. true b. false
5. Elizabeth always works on Sundays.
a. true b. false
6. Elizabeth’s husband takes the dogs for a walk.
a. true b. false
7. Elizabeth sleeps on Sunday afternoon.
a. true b. false
8. Elizabeth’s ideas are always good.
a. true b. false
9. Every week is the same for Elizabeth.
a. true b. false
10. Every Sunday Elizabeth goes shopping in London.
a. true b. false
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Marely
НАРОД!!! Помогите, пожалуйста. Нужен дословный перевод.
In the beginning, I put it down to a
simple case of exam nerves. My daughter Sarah had just turned sixteen
and was studying hard for her GCSEs*. I knew she'd do well, as she was
top of the class in all her subjects at school and had always been a
high achiever. But as the time for the exams drew nearer, her behaviour
started to change - drastically.

Sarah became sullen and
withdrawn. She wasn't the lively teenager I knew. But the most worrying
thing of all was that she was hardly eating anything. She refused to eat
with the rest of the family and was having only light snacks in her
room. At the time I didn't want to make a big deal of it, as I thought
I'd just make her more anxious about her exams. I was convinced that
once she'd taken the exams, she would soon settle down and everything
would get back to normal.

But it didn't. In fact, it got worse.
By the middle of the summer, Sarah had become very skinny and pale. She
also had wild mood swings, bursting into tears or becoming enraged by
the slightest thing. I should say at this point that my initial
reactions to this situation weren't very helpful. We had huge fights
about her being too thin and I tried to persuade her to eat more, but
she just turned her nose up at everything I offered her. When nothing I
said or did seemed to make any difference, I really felt at a complete
loss about what else I could do or who I could turn to. I was desperate.
After a lot of thought I realised that I would have to try other
tactics. Screaming and tearing my hair out were definitely not improving
the situation.

I started by looking up eating disorders on
various websites, to get as much information as I could, and what I
found out almost scared me to death. Anorexia nervosa is a condition
that typically affects teenage girls. There are a variety of reasons as
to why it can develop, but it is usually said to be because of a
distorted body image and lack of self-esteem. Some young women think
they are too fat, even when they are not, and feel that they are
unattractive or worthless. The media have been accused of playing a role
in the rise of eating disorders in recent years, because of the way
they portray women. Using underweight models in adverts in glossy
magazines and on television may be a factor in encouraging young women
to equate thinness with beauty, glamour and success.

I was
shocked to discover that this disease can seriously damage the heart and
make bones brittle and easy to break. However, the most frightening
aspect of the condition is that in 10% of cases it leads to the death of
the sufferer. The information was terrifying, but it helped me to come
to terms with the fact that someone with a severe eating disorder needs
love and support and urgent medical attention.

It took a lot of
calm and gentle persuasion to get my tearful daughter to agree to go
with me to a doctor who specialises in eating disorders. That was two
years ago and the road to recovery has been long and hard. Sarah spent
two months in hospital to get her weight back to normal and since then
she has been seeing a psychiatrist to help her deal with the underlying
causes of the problem.

It was tough for me, too. I felt very
guilty about her illness - that somehow it was my fault, and I was a bad
mother who had caused her daughter so much anxiety she had started to
starve herself. But we've managed to get through it together. Now Sarah
is looking forward to starting university, the colour has returned to
her cheeks and she is back to being the vibrant young woman she was
before the whole dreadful nightmare started
Предмет: Литература, автор: katerinarmnvsk23
1)С самого рождения главным человеком для меня стала мать моей матери Александра Ивановна Петрова.(2)Её я никогда не называла бабушкой— только мамой.
· (3)Сорокалетняя бабушка взяла на себя бремя материнства— бессонные ночи, борьбу с детскими хворями, большие и маленькие заботы, когда родила, не выходя замуж, дочка Зиночка, из четверых её детей самая любимая, хорошенькая и добрая. (4) А дочери дала возможность заняться устройством личной жизни, что та и смогла сделать. (5) Когда началась война, двадцатидвухлетняя Зиночка, всю жизнь боявшаяся резких слов, вздрагивавшая от громкого голоса, пошла на фронт вместе с мужем, а спустя пять фронтовых лет разделила с ним кочевую жизнь военнослужащего…
· (6) Я хорошо помню, как она во время своих редких приездов в Москву водила меня , семилетнюю, гулять по заснеженному Замоскворечью. (7) Время от времени останавливалась, наклонялась ко мне и , глядя на меня своими большими голубыми глазами, просила сказать ей: «Мама». (8)Я упорно твердила: «Зина». (9)Когда я повзрослела, тем более не могла называть её мамой.(10)Мне казалось, что это было бы предательством по отношению к Матери.(11) Сейчас, когда прошло столько лет, я, конечно, жалею о тогдашнем своём упрямстве, о том, что так никогда и не назвала мамой родившую меня женщину. (12)Она не могла настаивать, требовать, заявлять о своих правах на дочь и только плакала. (13)Я осталась в доме на Вишняковском, прожила вместе с Матерью до своих тридцати лет и благодарна судьбе за это.
· (14)В школу мы с Матерью пошли вместе: я стала первоклассницей, а она— членом, а затем и председателем родительского комитета. (15)Мать делала много полезного: она устраивала всякого рода «мероприятия», ходила к родителям нерадивых учеников, добивалась бесплатных завтраков и ботинок для ребят из бедных семей. (16)У многих отцы погибли на фронте, а у некоторых стали жертвами предвоенных репрессий.
· (17)Наши с Матерью отношения не были сплошной идиллией— случались размолвки, мои капризы и непослушание.(18)Единственным наказанием, которое Мать применяла по отношению ко мне в случаях моих провинностей, было молчание.(19)Со всеми домочадцами разговаривает, со мной— ни слова.(20)Я лишалась общения, не могла ничем заняться, не в силах была долго терпеть свою изоляцию и «одумывалась».
· (21)Мать любила читать. (22)В доме было много хороших книг, их покупали, обязательно дарили на праздники. (23)Не учившаяся никогда музыке, она позаботилась о том. Чтобы я научилась играть— дома было пианино. (24)А театр? (25)Чаще всего мы ходили в филиал Малого на Ордынке, в наш «придворный», как мы его называли, театр— близко от нашего дома.
· (26)Я была домашним ребёнком— не ходила в детский сад, не ездила в пионерский лагерь. (27)Первый раз разлучилась ненадолго с Матерью, когда мне было шестнадцать лет. 928)Мать отпустила меня с тётей Шурой на юг, в санаторий.(29)Отвечая на моё посланное из Анапы в Москву письмо (живём с Шурой в разных комнатах, очень жарко, на пляж ходить далеко, еда невкусная и т.д. и т.п.), Мать пишет: «Танюша, дорогая, надо учиться жить так, чтобы видеть хорошее, и тогда будет меньше недовольства, да и жить будет веселее».
· (30)…В шестьдесят с небольшим Мать тяжело заболела.(31)Опасаясь за неё и не в силах скрыть своей боязни остаться вдруг без согревающего меня всю жизнь крыла, я спросила: «Мама, ты поправишься?» (32)Мой эгоизм («Как буду жить без неё?») поставил вместо утверждающей точки или восклицательного знака трусливый вопросительный знак. (33)Мать ответила: «Не бойся, поправлюсь. Мне ещё надо дорастить тебя».
(По Т.Щегловой)