1. Fill in the correct COMPARATIVE and SUPERLATIVE form of the adjectives in
1. A cat is. ______ than a dog (fast)
2. Betty's hair is. ______ than jenny's (long)
3. The mount Everest is the.______ mountain in the world. (high)
4. What is the ______ animal in the world? (dangerous)
5. My house is. ______ than yours. (big)
6. He is the_____boy of all. (lazy)
7. A tiger is ______ than a lion. (beautiful)
8. A holiday by the sea is____ interesting than a holiday in the mountains. (little)
9. A car is. ___ than a bike. (expensive)
10. The weather today is ___ than yesterday. (bad)
11. Susan is the_____ girl in our class. (pretty)
12. This is the_____book I have ever read. (interesting)
13. Who is the_____woman on earth? (rich)
14. Today's weather is the_______this month. (bad)
holiday ever. (good)
15. We had the 16. Table tennis is than tennis. (difficult)
17 June is____than May, but August is the______ .(hot)
18. Chinese is one of the_____languages. (difficult)
19. This is the ____apple pie I have ever tried. (delicious)
20. volleyball is_____than tennis, but basketball is the______ (popular)
21. Scotland is _____than Wales, but England is the_____ country in the UK. (Large)
22. A dolphin is ____than a mouse. (clever)
23. In winter, days are______than in summer. (short)
24. Mark is the____boy in our classroom. (noisy)
25. What is the_____teacher's song? (favourite) It's______.
b) It. Make comparative sentences with these words:
-cheetahs - fast- horses: Cheetahs are faster than horses.
1. ants - small - bees?
2. hippos - fat - tigers
3. dogs *obedient cats
4. elephants - heavy - zebras
1. A cat is faster than a dog.
2. Betty's hair is longer than Jenny's.
3. The mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
4. What is the most dangerous animal in the world?
5. My house is bigger than yours.
6. He is the laziest boy of all.
7. A tiger is more beautiful than a lion.
8. A holiday by the sea is less interesting than a holiday in the mountains.
9. A car is more expensive than a bike.
10. The weather today is worse than yesterday.
11. Susan is the prettiest girl in our class.
12. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
13. Who is the reachest woman on earth?
14. Today's weather is the worst this month.
15. We had the best holiday ever.
16. Table tennis is more difficult than tennis.
17 June is hotter than May, but August is the hottest.
18. Chinese is one of the most difficult languages.
19. This is the most delicious apple pie I have ever tried.
20. Volleyball is more popular than tennis, but basketball is the most popular.
21. Scotland is larger than Wales, but England is the largest country in the UK.
22. A dolphin is cleverer than a mouse.
23. In winter, days are shorter than in summer.
24. Mark is the noisiest boy in our classroom.
25. What is the most favourite teacher's song?
It's the most one.
b) It. Make comparative sentences with these words:
1. Are ants smaller than bees?
2. Hippos are fatter than tigers.
3. Dogs are more obedient than cats
4. Elephants are heavier than zebras.
Синтетический способ (добавление суффиксов er/est) может применяться к односложным прилагательным и двусложным прилагательным с ударением на последний слог:
- Также сюда входят двусложные слова оканчивающиеся на -ble, -er, -y, -some, -ow:
Существуют орфографический правила, о которых следует помнить, при образовании степеней сравнения в английском языке.
- Немое e в конце слов опускается:
- Если прилагательное оканчивается на краткую гласную и согласную, то в сравнительной и превосходной степени конечная согласная удваивается:
- Если прилагательное оканчивается на согласную и букву y, то в сравнительной и превосходной степени конечная y заменяется на i:
Аналитический способ (тот, который с more/most, less/least) используем для многосложных (длинных) слов. Обычно это слова из трех и более слогов, но четкой грани нет. От некоторых слов можно образовать степени сравнения и с помощью суффиксов, и с помощью дополнительных слов.
- Также most и least могут переводиться на русский как "самый". Most — "самый" в большую сторону (например, the most important — самый важный), а least — "самый" в меньшую сторону (the least important — самый неважный / наименее важный).
- Важно помнить, что в предложениях превосходная форма обычно используется с определенным артиклем THE:
- Mы часто используем Present Perfect с превосходной степенью прилагательных.
- THAN используется в сравнительной степени.
- In...on..+ превосходная степень.
Слова исключения смотри на картинке.