Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: eahmedov026

Если кто нибудь знает Азербайджанский помогите пожалуйста срочно!!​


eahmedov026: поможешь?
eahmedov026: если знаешь
eahmedov026: 6 к
eahmedov026: класс
eahmedov026: indi basa dusdum (:


Автор ответа: Delikanli


1)Qırx-əlli il bundan əvvəl kəndin yaxınlığında bir pələng görünmüşdü.

2)Bir gün eşitdim ki, kəndin yaxınlığında pələng üç inək parçalayıb.

3)Aşağı uzanan daşlı-qayalı bir dağ ətəyi ilə meşənin içərisinə gedirdim.

4)Pələngi gözdən qaçırmamaq üçün yan-yörəmə baxırdım.

5)Bir az da getmişdim ki, birdən-birə pələng yerindən atılıb bağıra-bağıra üstümə gəldi.

6)Bir daşa söykənib tüfəngimi ona tərəf yönəltdim.

7) O, iki-üç addım məndən aralı bir qaratikan kolu yanında yıxılıb nərildəyirdi.

8)Pələngin dərisini soyub evə qayıdandan sonra qonşular başıma yığıldılar.

eahmedov026: cox saqol
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: olgaum
Помогите пожалуйста!в тексте нужно подчеркнуть только сказуемые

The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (present tense, active voice). Britain as a part of the United Kingdom consists of the following parts: England, Scotland and Wales (present tense, active voice).
The United Kingdom covers over 244,000 square kilometers. Its population amounts to more than 58 million people (present, active).
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy (present tense, active voice). This means (present, active) that it has (present, active) a monarch, a King or a Queen, as its Head of State. The monarch can reign (present, active) only with the support of Parliament which consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Parliament as central government is responsible (present, active) for deciding national policy, but many public services are provided (present, passive) by local government. The UK is divided (present, passive) into administrative areas known as ‘counties’ and each county has (present, active) a county town where the offices of the local government are located (present, passive). Local government is responsible(present, active) for organizing such services as education, libraries, police and fire services, road building and many others.
The British government, in the general sense of the word, comprises (present, active) all the three powers: legislative, executive and judicial. The United Kingdom has an unusual constitution (present, active) which is partly unwritten and it consists of (present, active):
• the laws passed (present, passive) in Parliament, which are called Acts of Parliament;
• common Law decisions made by judges in the past (present, passive);
• various unwritten conventions.
All these things can be changed (present, passive) at any time by new Acts of Parliament, by the judges, and by acceptance of new conventions. Thus the British lawyers can be changed at any time by new Acts of Parliament, by the judges, and by acceptance of new conventions rely (present, active) mostly on customs, traditions and precedents.
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: alenkabulanova