Предмет: Физика, автор: kskuzina

Какое количество теплоты необходимо, чтобы нагреть медную деталь массой 0,15 кг от 25 °С до 232 °С? Ответ округлить до десятых. (Удельная теплоёмкость меди — 383 Дж/(кг·°С)).


Автор ответа: mishaskokov08





C - 383 Дж

m-0.15 кг

t1 - 25 градусов

t2 - 232 градусов

Q - ?



Q=383*0.15(232-25)= 11892 Дж = 11,89 кЖ

Ответ: 11,89

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помогите мне надо это сделать через час; 1 здание: надо выбрать ответ; 1. ..... are my favourite vegetables варианты: eggs , bananas , carrots 2. A i'd like some fruit B OK. there are some ........ in the kitchen. варианты: potatoes , apples , rice. 3. we need to buy some ....... варианты: onions , orange , tomato. 4. she hasn't got ....... bread варианты: a , much , lot of. 5. would you like ........ egg sandwich? варианты: some , a , an. 6. there ........ sugar in my coffee. варианты: isn't much , aren't many , aren't much. 7. you need ....... onions for this soup. варианты: a lot , lots , a lot of. 8. i want to buy ....... at the shop. варианты: a milk , some milk , some milks. следующие задание надо вставить слова; слова: fish, apple, doesn't, some, breakfast, vegetables,eats, beef, oranges. предложения: mr linton likes ....... meat in every meal - he has sausages and eggs for ...... and his favourite dish is roast ......... . mrs linton doesn't like red meat, so she only eats chicken and ....... . their son chris is vegetarian - this means that he ........ eat meat at all . for lunch he usually has a salad, and in the evening he has ....... with pasta or rice . he also ......... a lot of fruit - he has an ...... or some ........ every day. so when the lintons sit down for dinner, there are often three different meals on the table. /я писала очень долго надеюсь поможете очень рука болит