пожалуйста срочно три маленьких диалога с паст симпл!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) -Hi Pasha!
-Hello Dima!
-I want to tell you, i spent a very good time yesterday.
-Its sounds great,Can you tell me more about it?
-Yeap, I went to the huge aquapark with my family.
The aquapark has 7 water slides and 4 little pools for kids.We swam and had fun.
-Cool.I hope you liked it.
-Of course.It was amazing)
2) -Hi Saule!
-Hi Masha!
-How are you?
-Good, I was on a picnic yesterday.
-Yes, I was with my friends. I brought a fizzy drinks and chocolate. My friend brought picnic blanket, sandwiches and sweets.
-Can you invite me next time?
-Of course,as you want)
3)-Hi mum!
-Hi honey!
-How was your day?
-It was really great.
-i m glad for you.
-Today we went to zoo with classmates,we saw a lot of types of animals. We saw a tiger`s baby. it was so cute.
-Nice, I hope everything went well?
- Yeap,mum