Составить предложение из данных слов, номер 3

Exercise 3 Bare infinitive (without to) Use the words to make sentences.
Example: may | take | you | it - You may take it.
1. wash up | today | needn't you
2. yesterday in the sea we swim see you
3. someone | last night | hear | I cry
4. birds | to | we | fly | watch | the south | every year
5. for you | me | do | it | let
6. so often | laugh | they | make | me
7. have | I'd | a milkshake | rather
8. start | better | immediately | we'd
9. the house | her | decorate | I help | last month
1. You needn't wash up today.
2. Yesterday we saw you swim in the sea.
3. I heard someone cry last night.
4. Every year we watch birds fly to the South.
5. Let me do it for you.
6. They make me laugh so often.
7. I'd rather have a milkshake.
8. We'd better start immediately.
9. I helped her decorate the house last month.