На основі поданого нижче тексту написати про інші 10 винаходів людства(текст за основу) Детальна умова завдання прикріплена нижче. Дуже прошу, треба терміново!

In my opinion, every invention is worth noting, because it changed the lives of our ancestors and ours in general. To the list of the most important discoveries we definitely should put compass. This device has been a major force in human exploration. The earliest compasses were made of lodestone in China between 300 and 200 B.C. Isn't it amazing? So, the next discovery is also worth being talked about. Paper was also invented in China and has been extremely useful for mankind. Other important inventions are cars, gunpowder, printing press, vaccination, penicillin, personal computer, the internet and, of course, the World Wide Web. Each of the discoveries brought something useful to our life. It made it easier in some way. People never stop developing new inventions, and there is no doubt that soon we will have more fascinating things.