00. Найди ошибку и перепиши
предложение. Изменить следует ТОЛЬКО
Одно слово. Напиши предложение
Пример: My father work in an office
Ответ: My father works in an office.
01. They names are Tracy and Katya .
02. Katya is a best friend than Kim,
03. I can't talk right now, I'm do my homework.
04. My grandfather can swim very fast when he was younger.
05. She does never her homework
06. If I had the time, I'll call you
07.Arnaud loses his torch and couldn't explore the cave last month
08.Unless we don't do something about climate change,life will get harder
09.I have been knowing him for a long time
10.I didn't eat lunch with my friends because I was eaten before meeting them
01. THEIR names are Tracy and Katya.
02. Katya is a BETTER friend than Kim.
03. I can't talk right now, I'm DOING my homework.
04. My grandfather COULDN'T swim very fast when he was younger.
05. She NEVER DOES her homework.
!!! Порядок слов неверный
06. If I HAVE the time, I'll call you.
Условное 1го типа
If I had the time, I WOULD call you.
Условное 2го типа
07.Arnaud LOST // HAD LOST his torch and couldn't explore the cave last month.
!!!!! Логичнее had lost, тк потерял до этого и не смог осмотреть пещеру...
08.Unless we DO something about climate change, life will get harder.
!!!! После unless глагол в + форме должен быть
09.I have KNOWN him for a long time.
!!! Know не употребляется в аспекте Continuous
10.I didn't eat lunch with my friends because I HAD eaten before meeting them.
!!! Результат к моменту в прошлом, Past Perfect нужен