Напишыте маленький текст буквально 6-10 предложений (на английском).
1.Как живут бездомные молодые люди.
2.Какие организации об них заботятся.
3.Как они оказиваются на улицах
The problem of homeless people exists all over the world. Such people are often dirty and smell bad. That’s why first thing you feel when you meet them is disgust. But do they really deserve disgust or sympathy and help?
Some people lose their home due to accidents such as fire, hurricane or flood. Others become a victim of fraud. Some people leave their home looking for a job in a big city, fail and have no money even to come back.
Also it happens that a person technically has a home, but doesn’t want to come back there fearing bad attitude and aggression from his or her relatives.
And it might be not so easy for homeless people to come back to normal life, especially if they lost their documents. One need money even to rent a room. And no one wants to hire a homeless person.
In these cases it seems appropriate to support them and give a chance to earn money and improve their life.
But it doesn’t mean that you should give money to every beggar. Because not all of the homeless people really want to change their life. It is quite common, that the money they managed to get, are spent on alcohol.
That is why I believe that if you want to help such people you better donate some charity organization, which works on this problem, than give money people on the street.
Of course we should give homeless people a chance to start a normal life, but the same time capable people shouldn’t live the whole life at our expense.