Помогите, пожалуйста! At the last Olympics, Simon Jackson (a) wins / won / has won a silver medal. He is (b) more good / the best / better at running (c) than / to / that most of the other athletes in his event. In fact, there aren't (d) some / any / much athletes who have beaten him in the last two years. Many experts think that he (e) would definitely win / definitely would win / definitely won a medal in the next Olympics if he (f) would have / has / had more time to train. Unfortunately, he (g) injured / is injured / is injure at the moment and he (h) won't probably / will probably not / probably won't have enough time to prepare. If he (i) didn't be / wasn't / wouldn't be injured, he j) would be running / was running / were running 20 miles every day. And if the Olympics (k) weren't / wouldn't be / aren't this year, he (l) probably would have / would probably have / probably had an operation. So, what should he do? Of course, if he (m) goes / go / will go to hospital now, he (n) missing / will miss / miss the Olympics. But it might be a good idea because, in that case, (o) he perhaps would / perhaps he would / would he perhaps be successful in the World Championships the year after next.
At the last Olympics, Simon Jackson (a) won a silver medal. He is (b) better at running (c) than most of the other athletes in his event. In fact, there aren't (d) any athletes who have beaten him in the last two years. Many experts think that he (e) would definitely win a medal in the next Olympics if he (f) had more time to train. Unfortunately, he (g) is injured at the moment and he (h) probably won't have enough time to prepare. If he (i) wasn't injured, he j) would be running 20 miles every day. And if the Olympics (k) weren't this year, he (l) would probably have an operation. So, what should he do? Of course, if he (m) goes to hospital now, he (n) will miss the Olympics. But it might be a good idea because, in that case, (o) perhaps he would be successful in the World Championships the year after next.
a - Past Simple, т. к. есть указание на время в прошлом (фраза со словом last)
b, c - сравнит. степень прил. good - better than (=лучше чем)
d - после отрицат. частицы not после оборота there are используем any
e, а - условное предложение II типа (он бы точно выиграл, если бы у него было время на тренировки - это воображаемая ситуация в будущем)
g - речь о настоящем, пассив
h, l - порядок слов. В утвердительных предложениях probably предшествует основному глаголу, следуя за вспомогательным. В отрицательном предложении probably предшествует также и вспомогательному глаголу.
i, j - условное II типа - воображаемая ситуация в настоящем
k - тоже придаточное условия II типа
m, n - условное I типа (реальное условие)
o - наречия степени уверенности (maybe, perhaps — может быть) используются в начале предложения (перед подлежащим)