Мне очень нравится город Сочи. Это лучшее место для отдыха в нашей стране. Если бы я была зданием то я бы хотела быть отелем "богатырь" в городе Сочи. Это самое красивое здание в этом городе. Отель расположен на берегу чёрного моря, недалеко находится Олимпийский парк . Здание было построено к Олимпиаде в 2014 году. Сюда приезжают туристы разных стран мира. отель имеет сказочную Атмосферу, чисто и уютно. Ночью он красиво сияет цветными огнями. Жителя отеля
всегда уезжает с хорошим настроением
Ответ:I really like the city of Sochi. This is the best vacation spot in our country. If I were a building, then I would like to be the "Bogatyr" hotel in the city of Sochi. This is the most beautiful building in this city. The hotel is located on the shores of the Black Sea, not far from the Olympic Park. The building was built for the 2014 Olympics. Tourists from all over the world come here. the hotel has a fabulous atmosphere, clean and comfortable. At night, it shines beautifully with colored lights. Hotel resident
I really like the city of Sochi. This is the best vacation spot in our country. If I were a building, then I would like to be the "Bogatyr" hotel in the city of Sochi. This is the most beautiful building in this city. The hotel is located on the shores of the Black Sea, not far from the Olympic Park. The building was built for the 2014 Olympics. Tourists from all over the world come here. the hotel has a fabulous atmosphere, clean and comfortable. At night, it shines beautifully with colored lights. Hotel residentalways leaves in a good mood
Хорошо. .................
I like Sochi very much. It is the best place to rest in our country. If I were a building I would like to be the hotel Bogatur in Sochi. It is the most beautiful building in this city. The hotel is situated on the Black Sea coast, there is the Olympic Park nearby. The construction had been build by the Olympic games of 2014. A lot of tourists from different countries arrive here. The hotel has just a fab atmosphere. It is clean and cozily. At night the building always glistens with colored lights. Hotel guests always leave in good spirits