XXI. Choose the right completion from a, b, c, d sentences.
1. It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six
o'clock on a Saturday morning
1 2. Just as I was crossing the road near the top of the hill, a car came round
the corner
3. At once I ran to the car to assist the driver, but he was unconscious and
there was a lot of blood on his face.
4. A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions.
a) A young woman hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance
while I took care of the driver
b) Shortly afterwards the driver came round. And he was groaning when the
ambulance arrived at high speed and rushed him away to hospital.
c) It was travelling very fast and the driver was obviously having difficulty in
controlling it. Suddenly it swerved violently, skidded on the wet road, hit
thelamp-post and turned over
d) At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people
in sight.
It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six
o'clock on a Saturday morning.
At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people
in sight.
Just as I was crossing the road near the top of the hill, a car came round
the corner
It was travelling very fast and the driver was obviously having difficulty in
controlling it. Suddenly it swerved violently, skidded on the wet road, hit
the lamp-post and turned over
At once I ran to the car to assist the driver, but he was unconscious and
there was a lot of blood on his face.
A young woman hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance
while I took care of the driver.
A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions.
Shortly afterwards the driver came round. And he was groaning when the
ambulance arrived at high speed and rushed him away to hospital.
1. Шел сильный дождь, когда я поднимался на холм к станции в шесть.
часов в субботу утром
1 2. Когда я переходил дорогу на вершине холма, подъехала машина.
3. Я сразу побежал к машине, чтобы помочь водителю, но он был без сознания и
на его лице было много крови.
4. Через несколько минут приехал полицейский и задал мне много вопросов.
а) На станцию поспешила молодая женщина и вызвала скорую.
пока я заботился о водителе
б) Вскоре после этого очнулся водитель. И он стонал, когда
скорая помощь приехала на большой скорости и увезла его в больницу.
c) Он ехал очень быстро, и у водителя, очевидно, были проблемы с
контролируя это. Вдруг он резко свернул, заскользил по мокрой дороге, ударил
фонарный столб и перевернулся
г) В этот ранний час движения было не так много, и народу было немного.