СРОЧНО! Переведите на английский язык, COMPLEX SUBJECT

1.they say that he likes to travel. 2. the plane, I think
I landed. 3. expect him to meet me at the airport
We saw the customs officer checking your passport. 5. he seems to know
London is very good. 6. he, as it turned out, lives in one of the best
hotels in the city. 7.it turned out that he knows three foreign languages. 8. he,
no doubt he'll miss the train. 9. I don't think they're on me right now
waiting. /10. this hotel must have been built for many years
Tom. 11. yesterday we accidentally met a doctor. 12. it is known that he
he will arrive in Kiev tomorrow. 13. it turned out that no one noticed it
errors. 14. saw her disappear in the distance. 15. it was known that
he's a great doctor. 16.it is assumed that Mary is engaged to him. 17. you
sometimes you don't know Mr. Brown's phone number? 18. they seem to be
accepted Mr. Brown's invitation.