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I wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning and make my bed. Next, i go to the bathroom to wash my face and to brush my teeth. Then i get dressed and go to the kitchen to eat my breakfast.
Usually, I have soup for breakfast. It's delicious!
I don't need to pack my school bag in the morning because i always pack it in the evening, after i did all my homework. I put in my school bag all i need for school: books, notebooks, pencilcase and other stuff that i need.
Sometimes, I take my lunch to school. Especially in these days when i have 7 or 8 lessons, and i have to stay at school much longer than usual. Food that i take are cheese sandwiches with tea. I get my food ready in the morning after i ate my breakfast.
The last thing i do before leaving the house is getting on my coat and shoes and unlocking the front door, and then at 7:30 o'clock I leave the house.
I travel by bus, because i live quite far away from school. I arrive in school at 7:50 o'clock.