Предмет: Математика, автор: asminatohtygoza

ЗаданиеNo1 (3балла)
Сумма двух вертикальных углов, образованных при
пересечении двух прямых, равна 124". Найти градусную
меру каждого угла, образованного при пересечении этих
двух прямых.
срочно ​



Автор ответа: varvarainshee


два угла по 56° и два по 124°

Пошаговое объяснение:

т. к. это вертикальные углы, то противоположные между собой равны.

сумма всех вертик. углов = 360°

следовательно что бы найти сумму двух других углов мы из 360° вычитаем два известных. а теперь что бы получить их по отдельности просто делим на два получившееся число

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: melnichuk1995
1. Переведите текст с английского языка на русский.
Sports and Games
The United States of America is a sports-loving country. The most popular games in the USA are baseball and basketball. A lot of people go in for sports, such as running, jumping, swimming, ets.
In England football, cricket, tennis and golf are the most favourite games. The first world tennis championship took place at Wimbledon in 1877. Now the Wimbledon championship is the most prestige for tennis players. There are all kings of racing in England: horse-racing, motor-racing, boat- racing and even dog- racing.
In Russia such games as football and ice-hockey are very popular. Russian people are proud of taking part in World Championships and Olympic Games. There are many stadiums in Russia. Sport is a very important part of life of people.

2. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What are the most popular games in the USA?
2. What are the most popular games in Britain?
3. When did the first championship take place in Wimbledon?
4. What kinds of racing are there in England?
5. What are the most popular games in Russia?

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия.
1. I am proud of taking an active part in the competition.
2. After having read the article he made some notes in his copybook.
3. He told us of being sent to Volgograd.
4. He told us of having been sent to Volgograd.
5. The idea of holding the first Olympic Games was given by Greece.

4. Найдите предложения с отглагольным существительным и переведите их на русский язык.
1. The heating of water is rapid.
2. Reading a book he did not notice us.
3. At the beginning of the year he came to Moscow.
4. On coming to Moscow he did not recognize it.

5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, соблюдая правила согласования времен.
1. He said that he worked at school as a teacher of English.
2. He said that he had worked at school as a teacher 5 years before.
3. The doctor told the patient that he would come on Monday.
4. The master asked the worker why he had been late the day before.
5. I hoped that he would meet me at the station.

6. Переведите предложения на русский язык в изъявительном или в сослагательном наклонении. Обратите внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.
1. If parents look after their children, they will not get into trouble.
2. If parents looked after their children, they would not get into trouble.
3. If the work is done in time, we shall go to the cinema today.
4. If the work were done in time, we should go to the cinema today. Let us hurry up!
5. If I were in your place I should tell him the truth.
6. If the work had been done in time yesterday, we should have gone to the cinema. But we could not finish it because it was very late.

7. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.
1. The cost … sending a letter is not very high.
2. After you drop your letter … the letter-box, first it will be sent … the post-office, and then received … a person addressed.
3. The name … the city should be written in full.
4. The stamp should be placed … the corner … the envelope.
5. It is not safe to send money … a letter.
Предмет: Физика, автор: pro100skill132