Предмет: История, автор: Minimim21

1. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. . Назовите одно из семи чудес света, связанное с Олимпийскими играми.
A) Парфенон В) Пирамиды С) Акрополь Д) Статуя бога Зевса
2. Кто был самым известным мудрецом в Древнем Китае?
А) Цинь Ши Хуанди В) Конфуций С) У Ди Д) Сыма Цян
3. Назовите изобретение, которое было сделано в древнем Китае.
A) Компас В) Аюрведа С) Число «0» Д) Хирургия
4. Укажите, родиной какой науки стала Древняя Греция, науки, покровительницей
которой является богиня Клио.
А. Философии В) Истории С) Астрономии Д) Медицины
поия" объясните суть изреч


Автор ответа: govsecm


1.а 2.в 3.б 4.д ........)

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Выписать 1,2 причастие. Colorado, the longest Mississippi with its main tributaries the Missouri and the Ohio. The northeastern part of the USA com- es the region of the five Great Lakes (Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario) connected by natural channels which cut by rapids (the greatest one the Niagara Falls) The USA is rich in natural resources. It has vast areas of fer- tile soil, an abundant water supply, and large areas of forests. There are also large deposits of minerals, such as coal, iron ore, natural gas, etc The United States is the third largest country in the world in population (about 250 million people). About 94 per cent of the people were born in the United States. The largest foreign- born groups are Mexicans, Germans, Canadians, Italians, Brit- sh, and Cubans. The US has never had an official language, but English has always been the main language spoken in the country. Emigrants from the British Isles, including the nation's founders, spoke English. Spanish is the second most common language in the USA. The US consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia is a piece of land set aside by the fed- eral government for the nation's capital, Washington D. C. The United States has a federal system of government with the President at the head. The national symbols ofthe USA include the American flag and Great Seal. There are 50 stars on the American flag, sym bolizing 50 states of the USA, and 13 stripes, representing 13 original states. On the one side of the Great Seal, there is an eagle, holding an olive branch and arrows, which are symbol- ng a desire for peace and the ability to wage a war. On the reverse side, there is the Eye of Providence, representing God, and a pyramid dated 1776.