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1. At first, I really fancied him. I found him very attractive.
2. We started going out together and we shared everything: money, clothes and even friends.
3. After a bit he began to annoyng me with some of his habits. For example, he used to whistle all the time.
4. Sometimes he embarassing me in front of my friends by drinking too much and telling the same stupid jokes over and over again.
5. Once he forced me to go camping with his parents in Wales. I hate camping and I didn't get on with his parents.
6. We started to arguing about money. He said I was spending too much. I said he wasn't earning enough.
7. Once he came round with his mother and she offended me by saying my flat was a mess.
8. I told her it was none of her business but David didn't support me against her.
9. I think we both behaved badly. He was lazy and passive and I was rude and aggressive.
10. I started to criticizing him in front of people. I used to say he was mean with money, for example.