Пж срочно. Даю 40 баллов

1. 1), 3), 4)
2. Celebrated, watered, built, shown, invited, asked
3. 1) The game will be missed by this football player
2) Mice is hated by most girls
3) Dutch is spoken by people in Netherlands
4) Her cat was awarded the first prize in "Cats-show" last week
5) The fire brigade was sent by them
1) 1, 3, 4
1) is celebrated
2) are watered
3)will be built
4) were shown
5) was invited
6) am asked
1.The game will be missed by this football player, because he is ill.
2. Mice are hated by most girls.
3. Dutch is spoken by people in the Netherlands.
4. Her cat first prize was awarded by them in " Cats- Show" last week.
5. Fire brigade was sent by them.
Страдательный залог образуется по следующей схеме:
Предмет/лицо, над которым совершается действие + глагол be в нужном времени + смысловой глагол в форме Past Participle/V3+ by(кем выполняется действие)