3 Answer the questions in your own words.
1 Why did fishermen start bringing cats to Tashirojima Island?
2 Why is the wildlife of Socotra so different from anywhere else?
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1 People started bringing cats to Tashirojima Island to fight mice. (Mice used to destroy silkworm farms).
Люди стали привозить кошек на остров Таширодзима, чтобы бороться с мышами. (Мыши уничтожали фермы шелкопряда).
2 The wildlife of Socotra is so different from anywhere else because the island has been separated from a continent for 18 millions years, so its wildlife developed on its own.
Природа Сокотры настолько отличается от других мест, потому что этот остров отделен от континента уже 18 миллионов лет, так что его природа развивалась сама по себе.
Why did fishermen start bringing cats to Tashirojima island?
→ Fishermen started to bring cats to Tashirojima island to prevent mice from destroying silkworm farms.
Why is the wildlife of Socotra so different from anywhere else?
→ Socotra hasn't been connected to a continent for millions of years so the wildlife developed on it's own and you may find plants and animals that can't be found on any other place.