Предмет: Экономика, автор: 2282238

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Гражданин после долгих поисков работы 1 марта текущего года наконец то ее нашёл в первые два месяца заработная плата была установлена в размере 20000 руб. далее она повысилась до 25000 руб. в месяц, в декабре за высокие результаты труда гражданин получил премию в размере 10000 руб, кроме того обучаясь в очной бюджетной аспирантуре на протяжении года он получал стипендию в размере 3500 в месяц Какую величину налога за истёкший год должен заплатить гражданин ?


Автор ответа: Mihail001192


32 500 руб.


Гражданин за истекший год должен заплатить налог на доходы физических лиц (НДФЛ). В налоговую базу для расчета НДФЛ включается сумма дохода за отчетный год, полученного гражданином, кроме стипендий, государственных пособий и т. д. Налоговая базовая ставка по НДФЛ составляет 13%.

  • Гражданин первые 2 месяца (март, апрель) получал заработную плату (ЗП) по 20 000 руб.
  • В мае ЗП увеличилась до 25 000 руб.
  • В декабре получил премию в размере 10 000 руб., то есть ЗП составила 25 000 + 10 000 = 35 000 руб.
  • Оставшиеся 7 месяцев получал ЗП по 25 000 руб.


Налоговая база = 2 * 20 000 + 7 * 25 000 + 35 000 = 250 000 руб.

НДФЛ = Налоговая база * Налоговая ставка = 250 000 руб. * 13% = 32 500 руб.

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The lifestyle which we ejoy today is a esult of coutless ideas ad ivetios, which have take may cetuies of ma’s histoy to develop.1. The fist geat idea which stated ma o the oad to his geat achievemets was whe a cavema picked up a heavy stoe to help him. The use of fie was aothe step without which o subsequet developmet would have bee possible. But oce ma had leaed to make ad use fie, it was oly a shot step to discoveig the use of metals. Aothe geat move towads mode techology was the ivetio of the wheel by some ukow pehistoic geius.2. Ma had efficiet metal weapos ad was able to hut lage aimals fo food. Gadually, he leaed to captue ad tame some of the ceatues, so that he could keep his food eaby util it was eeded. Ma also discoveed how to plat cops, gatheig seed fom wild plats, which he kew to be useful. Oce famig was established, it did ot take ma log to make special tools fo beakig up the goud, ad late he bega to use the help of domestic aimals i pullig his pimitive plough.3. Aothe impotat ivetio which has cotibuted geatly to ou mode kowledge was witig. At fist, witig was a special fom of dawig, ad was usually vey simple. But gadually these pimitive dawigs tued ito lettes. Fom the coutig of days ad moths, ma wet o to cout cattle ad sheep ad the ealiest foms of aithmetic appeaed. The Geeks wee the fist people to use witig to ecod laguage as spoke by cotempoay me; ad thei woks ae still widely ead today, fo ifomatio ad fo pleasue.4. Afte the time of the Romas, the speed of discovey slowed dow, ad ideed may ealie discoveies wee lost fo hudeds of yeas. It was ot util the fifteeth cetuy, with the comig of the Reaissace, that discoveies wee agai made o a lage scale. Euope was suddely filled with a wish to exploe the wold. No less impotat was the ivetio of pitig, givig may me a oppotuity to ead ad to ow books which befoe had bee available to oly the wealthy few. The spead of ideas was apid, ad led i its tu to the witig of moe books. The voyages of the Reaissace discoveed the existece of may ew ad stage lads, ad i these lads wee all sots of ukow aimals ad plats.5. The seveteeth cetuy saw a developmet of sciece. The eighteeth cetuy is associated with may ivetios ad culmiated i the Idustial Revolutio. The ivetio of the steam egie, the codese ad pisto made possible mode maufactuig pocesses. The ieteeth cetuy was the age of the machie whe ma ealized that may peviously had tasks could be doe moe easily ad cheaply by machiey.Fam machiey was iveted, ad poductio of lag-e food-cops became possible. The ieteeth cetuy also saw the ivetio of electicity, which evolutioized life ad made may othe thigs possible. The maufactue of cas bega a ew ea i taspot, ad led to the appeaace of loies ad buses, without which ou cities would ot have gow to thei peset size.6. The pevious cetuy was the oe to see immese chages ad vaious ivetios. The aiplae was costucted. Duig the Secod Wold Wa ma became awae of atomic eegy ad uclea weapos. The secod half of the twetieth cetuy was chaacteized by the ivetios of televisio, computes, spacecaft, geetic egieeig ad may othes.7. All ou discoveies today ae based o the ideas of me who lived befoe us; ad without thei goudwok, mode ivetios would have bee impossible.With so may wodeful achievemets behid him, mode ma ca go ito a ea of eve geate discoveies, ad all atios ca beefit fom the kowledge left to us by ealie geeatios.