Summative Assessment for Units
Gade 3
Task L. What musical instrument is it? Write the names of the instruments in the
Task 2. Match words with the pictures
5. watercolours
6. gluc
Task 3. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue with the words
space shuttle
Aisha: John, what are you doing?
John: I am drawing a
Aisha: Wow! I want to draw a space shuttle too. What do I
John: You need a piece of
and some
Total: 107
Task 1.
Bagpipe [ˈbægˌpaɪp] - волынка
Balalaika [ˌbæləˈlaɪkə ]- балалайка
Bassoon [bəˈsuːn] - фагот
Baton [bəˈtɑn] - дирижерская палочка
Bow [ˈbæʊ] - смычок
Cello [ˈtʃeloʊ] - виолончель
Chamber music [ˈtʃeɪmbər ˈmjuːzɪk] - камерная музыка
Clarinet [ˌklerəˈnet ]- кларнет
Classical music [ˈklæsɪkəl ˈmjuːzɪk] - классическая музыка
Composer [kəmˈpoʊzər] - композитор
Concert [ˈkɑnsərt] - концерт
Conductor [kənˈdəktər]- дирижер
Cymbals [ˈsɪmbəlz] - тарелки
Double bass, contrabass [ˈdəbəl ˈbæs, ˈkɑntrəˌbeɪs]- контрабас
Drum [ˈdrəm]- барабан
Drum sticks [ˈdrəm ˈstɪks] - барабанные палочки
Task 3.
Aisha: John, what are you doing?
John: I am drawing a space shuttle.
Aisha: Wow! I want to draw a space shuttle too. What do I need?
John: You need a piece of paper
and some crayons.
space shuttle-космический шатл