Предмет: Русский язык, автор: sinbergenova83

Наурыз современный глоток эссе

emilgerekl2008: про что должно быть эссе?


Автор ответа: emilgerekl2008


Наурыз – долгожданный всеми праздник весны, символизирующий начало нового года. Это великий день, почитаемый среди казахского народа.

Ритуальное угощение символизирует покровительство небес, мудрость, здоровье и богатство. Этот праздник несет некое очищение, встречая весну люди, хотят освежиться телесно и духовно. К празднику Наурыз казахи готовятся заранее, очищая себя от долгов, вещей которые им уже не нужны, приводят в порядок свои жилища. Ну а главной традицией, конечно же, остается примирение с родными, соседями и просто знакомыми. Принято посетить с гостинцами семь домов и у себя принять семь гостей.

Люди встречают Наурыз весело и задорно. Коктем туды, что означает - весна пришла, это слышно из каждого дома, так в этот праздничный день казахи приветствуют друг друга. Наурыз праздник добра и благополучия люди поют песни, соревнуются между собой в традиционных национальных видах спорта – тозыс-кумалак, казакша курес, устраивают скачки и игры на конях.

Наурыз праздник, который прививает уважение к традициям и культуре родной земли, он сближает и учит понимать и прощать друг друга. Я каждый год с нетерпением жду начала нового года и славного праздника Наурыз.

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Answer the questions on the text in written form. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту (составив предложения на английском языке, без перевода).

1. Why did Harry Standish arrive at the station number 11?
2. Harry was a highly qualified customs officer, wasn’t he?
3. Where was Mrs. Harriet Mossman from?
4. What countries did she visit?
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6. Do officers have the right to inspect handbags and purses?
7. What did the officer find in the powder and in the tube?
At the Customs.
US Customs inspector Harry Standish arrived at Customs inspection station number eleven. Shortly before that, a red light on a wall panel near the centre the big Customs Hall indicated that an inspecting officer had a problem and needed supervisory help. Most of the passengers, who had arrived aboard Scandinavian Airlines DC-8 from Copenhagen, had cleared Customs and had left. Only this well-dressed American woman, Mrs. Harriet Mossman, who had just returned from a month trip around England, France and Denmark, insisted that all she had were shoes. The total declared value was ninety dollars – ten dollars less than she was allowed duty-free.
The young officer had been suspicious. To begin with, six dresses, all of good quality – had had their labels removed. The cut of the dresses was unmistakable French, so was the tailoring of the fur coat. The same thing was with three expensive sweaters. They also were without labels, and were unmistakable from Scotland, in typical British shades, not available in the United States. All this and much else customs officers learned as part of their training.
"Madam," Inspector Standish said, "is there anything else you wish to declare?” Mrs. Mossman answered indignantly: "There certainly isn't!”
"In that case, Madam," Inspector Standish said, "will you kindly open your handbag!” The woman protested, "But surely, purses are never inspected. I've been through Customs many times ... " "Normally, they are not. But we do have the right."
Reluctantly, Mrs. Mossman opened her purse. Harry Standish inspected a lipstick and a gold compact. When he probed the powder in the compact, he extracted a diamond and ruby ring. There was a tube of hand lotion, partially used. When he pressed the tube near the top, there was something hard inside.
He wondered when smugglers would come up with something original. Such old tricks. He had seen them all many times. He thought of the foolishness of Mrs. Mossman and the many like her. If she had been honest about the coat and dresses, and declared them the duty payable it would not have been great, especially for someone who was clearly well to do. Certainly her handbag would not have been opened and she wouldn't have been caught red-handed.