Предмет: Музыка, автор: illabalakleec149

построить ув 5/3 и его разрешения в гаммах соль минор, си бемоль мажор, ре мажор и си минор и их разрешения. Срочно, очень нужен ответ!


Автор ответа: Lenokgran


ум.53 в мажоре расположен на VII ступени (нат. маж./ гарм.мин.) и разрешается в б.3  в мажоре и в м.3 в миноре и на II ступени (гарм.маж./нат.мин.) с разрешается в б.3 в миноре и в м.3 в мажоре.

ум.53 в B-dur: (VII): ля-до-ми♭⇒си♭-си♭-ре

(II): до-ми♭-соль♭⇒ре-ре-фа

ум.53 в gis-moll: (VII): фа(x)-ля#-до#⇒соль#-соль#-си

(II): ля#-до#-ми⇒си-си-ре#


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The sun and the planets,the moon and the satellites of the other planets,the comets,asteroids,and meteorites make up the solar system. The solar system is located in the Milky Way Galaxy. Almost the whole galaxy is made of stars. Astronomers believe there are at least 100 billion stars. If you counted one star a second in would take you more than thirty thousand years to count 100 billion.
In addition to the stars there are gases in the galaxy that may become stars after a long time.the Milky way Galaxy represents a family of stars,gas,and planets.
Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies in the universe. And every galaxy contains billions of stars.Stars seem tinu because they are very far away.
Stars are not the same size. Betelgeuse, a red star in Orion, is almost 500 million miles in diameter. we call it a red supergiant star. Two of the biggest stars astronomers know about are Epsilon Aurigae and VV Cephei . The latter has a diameter of almost two billion miles.
Small stars are called dwarf stars. The smallest one we know of has no name . It is given the number LP768-500.Its diameter is only about 1,000 mile. The diameter of the erth is about 8,000 miles.
In your lifetime,you will probably see no changes in the appearnce of the stars, or in their positions. Butduring your lifetime, as always, new stars are being created. Bright stars becoming dimmer. Old stars,once bright and clear, are changing into black dwarfs.
And all the stars on this galaxy of ours are travelling their separate ways ,as indeed are all the stars in all the galaxy thet make up the universe.
Предмет: Физика, автор: ильясердюков2003