Предмет: Русский язык, автор: daurenermek7

394Б. Определите тип речи, Назовите композиционные ча-
сти отрывка, Какова его основная мысль? В какой части текста
она выражена? Можно ли изобразить на одном рисунке содер-
жание этого отрывка? Обоснуйте свой ответ. Кто является "на-
стоящим хозяином леса"?

Невозможно передать прелести пребывания в лесу под ёлкой во время тёплого летнего дождя.
Рябчик, гонимый дождём, ворвался в середину нашей густой ёлки и уселся нал самым шалашом. Под веточкой устроился зяблик. Ёжик пришел. Проковылял мимо заяц. И долго дождик шептал и шептал что-то нашей ёлке.
И мы долго сидели, и всё было так, будто настоящий хозяин лесов каждому из нас отдельно шептал, шептал, шептал. (М.М.Пришвин)​


Автор ответа: milanastreaaat


Тип текста: Повествование. О чем текст? - Этот текст о прелестей пребывания в лесу.


Я так сделала, но про повествование это точно.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: veselkovazz
Помогите перевести и ответить Срочно!
Read the text and fill in the gaps with these expressions.
1. My name is Minnie Mouse.
2. It was very nice to meet you.
3. How do you do?
4. Excuse me.
5. Goodbye!
6. How do you do.
Cute: Do you need a hand with this bag, madam?
Woman: Oh, yes, thank you very much.
Cute: My name is Cute, Agent Cute. I am going toTunbridge Wells on very important business.
Woman: ...
Cute: ...
Woman: What's your business then?
Cute: I must deliver a document.It is the last task of a very important case.
Woman: Oh, I love adventures and difficult cases! Please tell me about this case. I won't tell anybody.
Cute: It's a long story but I can't say no to abeautiful lady. Last year I had a very interesting case. An English boy Rob went to his pen friend Misha Inin in Russia. After that he didn't write to his parents or phone them. His parents came to our agency for help. I worked on the case. I went to Russia and found Misha Inin and his family They had a guest from England — Robin. But he was у strange: he didn't phone his parents, he wore | a Scottish kilt and he could FLY.
Minnie: You are pulling my leg!
Cute: It's true. I watched the boys in Russia, and when they went back to England, I watched them in England. And guess what! Robin was from 1599. He came from the past because he wanted to take the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey back to Scotland. He was a Scottish patriot. And Rob was his great-great- great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandson. The two boys used the time tunnel and swapped places in time and I helped them swap back!
Minnie:This is a good story. Ha-ha-ha! You are making it up, aren't you? And what's your top secret document?
Cute: It's a note. Robin dropped it when he went through the time tunnel back to his time. It was in a secret language and it was difficult to translate.
Minnie: So what is it about?
Cute: Oh! This note is the key to an old family treasure! I am going to give it to Rob MacWizard's family. Maybe they'll find this treasure.
Minnie: Yes it is a very funny story.
Cute: ... It's my stop. Goodbye, Minnie! ...
Minnie: ..., Agent Cute!
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: melinegrigorya1
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: MarrMur
Match the short texts about the animals to their names. Соотнесите названия животных с короткими текстами.

cow, mouse, snake, koala, monkey, kangaroo, parrot, camel, elephant, cat, dog, dolphin, zebra, giraffe, horse

1. This animal is small. It lives in people’s houses. Some people are scared of it. And this animal is scared of a cat!__________

2. This animal is very big, has long legs and a long neck and
lives in Africa___________

3. This animal is quite big. It is brown, but also black, white or
grey. It helps people in the village to work in the fields. You can ride on its back if you can!____________

4. This animal is very long and can be very dangerous. People
are scared of it.____________

5. This animal is quite big and lives on the farm. People like these animals because they give them a lot of milk.__________

6. This animal is very big and lives in Africa. It has got a long
trunk, big ears, and it is grey. You can see it in the Zoo in many countries.____________

7. This animal lives in Australia and is a very nice animal. It is
not very big. It likes eucalyptus leaves.___________

8. This animal lives in people’s houses or on the farm. It barks
and people like it. Cats are sometimes scared of it but not always.____________

9. This animal is very funny and nice. You can see it in the Zoo but it lives in Africa. It likes bananas very much.____________

10. This animal is like a horse but lives in Africa. It has black and
white stripes on its body.___________

11. This animal is very big and lives in water but it is not a fish! It
is very nice and friendly and sometimes can save people’s lives!___________

12. This animal is very nice and people have it at home as a pet in the cage! It has got very nice and coloured feathers.___________

13. This animal is small and very nice. It lives in people’s houses.
People like it because this animal eats mice!___________

14. This animal is big. Sometimes it can walk in very hot weather and doesn’t drink anything for a very long time!___________

15. This animal lives in Australia. It is big and very nice and can
jump very fast. It sometimes keeps its baby in the pouch on its body.__________