Эссе на тему "Могут ли роботы думать?"
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Some people believe that in the future machines will do all human work, whereas others disagree with it. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue.
I cannot agree with the idea that people will soon be replaced by robots in all jobs. Firstly, it is impossible for robots to do all the jobs. They can replace people in many jobs but cannot operate independently. There is always a need for human supervision in case something will go wrong or break. Secondly, machines are not capable to take decisions, which makes people irreplaceable in jobs where decisions must be taken.
Robots are a complex topic. Will robots think? It seems to me, yes, or to be more precise, they can still do it. But the bottom line is that they do not have their own thinking, they can only reason as they were programmed from, there are robots with independent compilation of sentences, thoughts. True, most communicate in clichéd phrases.
I think that science will never, or in an incredible many years, be able to get to the point where it can make a truly independent thinking intellect.