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19:35 О
89. Translate into English using the words in Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Cont
new, Past Perfect. 1. How many have you not seen them?
2. We saw them even before they drew the UVP
to us. 3. Where have you been? - I just got back from
business trip. 4. Where did he spend his vacation? - He spent them on the beach 5. Only when he went to work, he remembered that I forgot
home wallet.
6. As I was leaving the office, the phone rang. 7. Is he back yet? Can I talk to him? 8. Today I got behind the wheel of a car for the first time.
9. That was the first time I came to the exhibition
private painting. 10. Look what you did with your pants.
11. When I got home, I saw that my owl was tearing a book I had taken from my friend.
12. Last week they quarreled, and today Vov is already destroying all the letters she once received.
his friend. 13. When James came home, he saw a man in military uniform waiting for him.
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