поговорите со своим портнером о своем самом забавном, грустном, страшном отпуске на английском срочно 70 баллов даю
Такое пойдёт?)
Andrew: Hallo! I haven`t seen you for a long time, Albert.
Albert: Hallo! I have just come back from Marlow. Marlow is a small town in south Buckinghamshire. Marlow is situated on the River Thames. I was there on holiday. Have you ever been there?
Andrew: Yes, three years ago I spent my holiday there too. I know this lovely place very well. Did you have lunch at the famous old hotel near the River Thames?
Albert: Yes, I did. Then I met a friend of mine there and on some days we had lunch in the open air near the River Thames.
Andrew: And how did you enjoy your holiday, Albert? What have you done there?
Albert: I had a really good time, Andrew. I enjoyed wonderful nature and nice weather. And what about you? What have you done this summer?
Andrew: I stayed at home. I have bought a new car and it was a pleasure to go to different places which were situated in different regions of England but not far from London. Every day I came back home.
Albert: I see. Well, you had a very interesting holiday.