Написать про свою любимую книгу по плану. (Я выбрал Гарри Поттера)
1. The name / The author(s)
2. Type / genre
3. The main characters:
- protogonist
- antogonist
4. The moral / What it is about
5. Your opinion ; why you like it
Помогите, это по англ.яз даю 30 баллов, что бы было 100 слов.
The story of the brave wizard Harry Potter consists of seven books. I liked the first one the most. In it, Harry is my age. I recognize many of his features in myself and my friends.
Many people ask me why I love reading about Harry and his friends. I think about it too. Most likely, it is not magic that attracts people more in the Harry Potter books. Although it is also interesting to read about him. Most importantly, it is the friendship between Ron, Harry and Hermione. Neville Longbottom and other guys are very interesting. Dumbledore reminds me of Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings. He is just as wise and brave. I don't know why, but I really like the strict Professor Snape.
Reading Harry Potter, I realized that a true friend will be with you even when there is no chance of winning. Ron and Hermione were very afraid of Voldemort, but they still did not give up and did everything to ensure that their friend achieved his goal. The scene where Ron is leading a chess game shocked me. If I were a girl, I would probably cry. The Weasley risked his life. There was a moment when I thought he was dead.
Hermione at first seemed to me to be an arrogant person. People like her are called "nerds", but then I realized that without her, Harry could not have won. In all the books, her mind saves the heroes from death. She is the daughter of Muggles, but in magic she surpassed all her peers and even the children from high school.
I would like to get into the world of Harry Potter and study at Hogwarts. I would like to learn magic and find the same friends as Harry's. The world of Harry Potter is fiction, but it teaches us a lot. The main characters of the book had such traits as courage and loyalty. They fought evil and never yielded to it. I think J.K. Rowling is a great writer. Thanks to her Harry Potter, many people who didn't like reading fell in love with reading. I also belong to them. If there were more such books, all people on the planet would become fans of literature.