Написать текст на тему Дом будущего, на английском , 10 предложений
House from the future The walls are all in sensors. The coulour of the house is white. There is an unbroken curtains.doors are opening automatically. Fridge gives us meal,which we wont,without our gelp and pillows are always cold in summer. The whole bed is warm in winter. Everywhere is a comfort.So, I would like first of all to live in the small house located in the lonely corner near the city. I would not refuse the insignificant part of ground, contiguous to the house. The garden necessary for the house should be not large, but it is quite natural, that substantial, i.e. having all necessary plantings sufficient to bring to me the pleasure.
We already have household appliances that save a lot of time and effort. I think houses will be even more comfortable in 200 years.
I suppose that houses will become autonomous and possibly mobile in the future. New technologies will allow recycling waste into energy right inside the house. Houses will be made of durable materials. They will have effective air and water purification systems.
Hopefully, new inventions would obviate the need to wipe the dust and wash the plumbing. Although robotic vacuum cleaners already exist, they only vacuum the floor. Is it possible that a sponge will crawl around the house and clean all the surfaces?
It would be nice if the fridge would order the food that ran out. Orders could be delivered by drones.
I hope the houses will have a creative design. The typical building looks pretty dull now. It is also important that houses would become affordable, and people would not have to pay the mortgage for decades.