3. Прочитай биографию американской поп звезды Мадонны и восстанови факты о ней с помощью предложенных глаголов, поставив их в прошедшее время.
1 be 2 act 3 not finish 4 become 5 work 6 adopt 7 release 8 get married 9 perform 10 give birth 11 not like 12 sell 13 die 14 move
Madonna is a famous American singer, dancer and actress. She … born in 1958. Her mother … from cancer (рак) when the girl was only five years old. When her father … again, the girl … her new stepmother (мачеха). Madonna … her college and … to New York. First she … as a waitress there and … modern dance. She … famous when she … her first album “Madonna” in 1983. The singer … 300 million records with her songs. Madonna also … in a dozen of films, including “Dick Tracy” and “Evita”. The singer … to 2 children: a girl and a boy. She also … 2 children from Africa.
4. Собери предложения из слов. Запиши получившиеся предложения.
1. in the morning/you/when/get/up/did?
2. for dinner/chicken/have/not/they/did
3. dictation/yesterday/our / teacher/us/gave/ difficult
4. do/what/last Sunday/you/did?
5. go/yesterday/to the cinema/not/I/did.
6. visit/you/an art gallery/last time/did/when?
7. they/on/hard/worked/ Monday.
Madonna is a famous American singer, dancer and actress. She was born in 1958. Her mother died from cancer (рак) when the girl was only five years old. When her father got married again, the girl didn't like her new stepmother (мачеха). Madonna didn't finish her college and moved to New York. First she worked as a waitress there and performed modern dance. She became famous when she released her first album “Madonna” in 1983. The singer sold 300 million records with her songs. Madonna also acted in a dozen of films, including “Dick Tracy” and “Evita”. The singer gave birth to 2 children: a girl and a boy. She also adopted 2 children from Africa.
1. When did you get up in the morning?
2. They didn't have chicken for dinner.
3. Our teacher gave us a difficult dictation yesterday.
4. What did you do last Sunday?
5. I did not go to the cinema yesterday.
6. When did you visit an art gallery last time?
7. They worked hard on Monday.
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