СРОЧНОО НАДОО ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА1 Choose the correct question tag.
1 You saw the news about the earthquake,
haven't you / didn't you?
2 Peter's new video camera is fantastic,
doesn't it / isn't it?
3 There are lots of great jobs in the media,
aren't there / isn't there?
4 That man hasn't been a journalist for
very many years, hasn't he/has he?
5 You're very comfortable in front of a camera,
aren't you/won't you?
6 That radio station doesn't play good music,
does it / doesn't it?
7 Eva is working for a fashion magazine,
doesn't she/ isn't she?
8 Your brother will be a very good writer
one day, won't he/ isn't he?
1) didn't you?
2) isn't it?
3)aren't there
4)has he?
5)aren't you
6)does it
7)isn't she?
8)won't he
1 You saw the news about the earthquake, didn't you?
2 Peter's new video camera is fantastic, isn't it?
3 There are lots of great jobs in the media, aren't there?
4 That man hasn't been a journalist for very many years, has he?
5 You're very comfortable in front of a camera, aren't you?
6 That radio station doesn't play good music, does it?
7 Eva is working for a fashion magazine, isn't she?
8 Your brother will be a very good writer one day, won't he?
1. Вы видели новости о землетрясении, не так ли?
2. Новая видеокамера Питера-это фантастика, не так ли?
3. В средствах массовой информации есть много замечательных рабочих мест, не так ли?
4. Этот человек не был журналистом очень много лет, не так ли?
5. Вам очень удобно перед камерой, не так ли?
6. На этой радиостанции не передают хорошую музыку, не так ли?
7. Ева работает в модном журнале, не так ли?
8. Твой брат когда-нибудь станет очень хорошим писателем, не так ли?
1) Если предложение утвердительное, то хвостик должен быть отрицательным.
2) Если в основной части предложения есть отрицание, то в хвостике не должно быть отрицания (отрицательной частицы not).э
3) В хвостике присутствует глагол помощник (не смысловой глагол) с частицей not, или без неё и вторая часть хвостика - подлежащее из предложения, в форме местоимения (в виде: I-we-you-he-she-it-they или there ).