Надо написать сочинение на тему Мой любимый предмет на английском языке мой любимый предмет математика
my favorite subject: Mathematics. Because every profession needs this science. In short: it is needed everywhere. it is the mother of all sciences. it includes such sciences as: geometry, algebra and many many others.
Math is my most favorite school subject. I started liking her from the very first grade. I enjoy solving examples and problems, as it is very interesting and helps me to learn more. All my friends and acquaintances call me a mathematician.
I really love math because it has many rules that are the same for all people. After all, all over the world it is customary to use the same rules and signs. It helps to bring people together.
Mathematics is necessary for all people, because every day we use it. For example, to buy food in a store. In many professions, mathematics is used on a daily basis, as they use a lot of mathematical calculations and problems. These professions are engineer, physicist, scientist, programmer, and many others