Срочно составить краткую сказку по Английскому языку.ДАМ 40 ОЧКОВ
My name is Lena. I live in a small village, and often go to the forest for mushrooms. Today I went to the forest again, but on the way I met a squirrel. She was very cute, and she looked hungry. I decided to look for cones for her, and feed Fluffy. Now every time I come to the forest to look for cones for squirrels.
История про девочку которая ходила в лес за грибами, она снова пошла в лес и встретила белочку, нашла для неё шишек, и каждый день она ходит в лес, чтобы покормить белочку.
Ответ: There was on old man. And he had a bad.And he had a bad old woman.And they were very poor,but they very loved each other.In one day old man saw what a rich man fell from a horse and asked for help.Old man helped to rich.And rich man sayed: “thanx you,you saved my life” and he gived a lot of money and gold.And the old man and old woman weren’t poor. The end :)