Предмет: Английский язык, автор: airanadagba

Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1. Network worm has struck 6.200 machines that formed 7.3% computers to network.

2. This virus is spreading very quickly over the Milnet.

3. Well over 50 sites have been hit.

4. Most of these are "major" sites and gateways.

5. This utility can send a message into another program.

6. FBI has imposed a prohibition on all materials relating to the Morris virus.

7. Morris would have been sentences to 5 years of prison and 250.000 $ of fine.

8. The author had to take part in the liquidation of its own creation.

9. They have to fight for survival in complex conditions of conflicting computer systems.

10. Destructive actions are not an integral part of the virus by default.


Автор ответа: kamille010490


1 Network worm hasn't struck 6.200 machines that formed 7.3 % computers to network.

Has network worm struck 6.200 machines that formed 7.3 % computers to network?

2 This virus isn't spreading very quickly over the Milnet.

Is this virus spreading very quickly over the Milnet?

3 Well over 50 sites haven't been hit.

Have well over 50 sites been hit?

4 Most of these aren't "major" sites and gateways.

Are most of these major" sites and gateways?

5 This utility can't send a message into another program.

Can this utility send a message into another program?

6 FBI hasn't imposed a prohibition on all materials relating to the Morris virus.

Has FBI imposed a prohibition on all materials relating to the Morris virus?

7 Morris wouldn't have been sentences to 5 years of prison and 250.000 $ of fine.

Would Morris have been sentences to 5 years of prison and 250.000 $ of fine?

8 The author didn't had to take part in the liquidation of its own creation.

Did the author had to take part in the liquidation of its own creation?

9 They don't have to fight for survival in complex conditions of conflicting computer systems.

Do they have to fight for survival in complex conditions of conflicting computer systems?

10 Are destructive actions an integral part of the virus by default?


10 уже в задании написано в отрицательной форме.

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