Read the dialogue and find ten mistakes (an unnecessary word, a word missing or an incorrect word). Circle the mistakes and write the corrections.
Jane I’m quite fancy that new war film. Shall we go later? 1____________
Lucy Not another war film! I rather go to watch a comedy. 2____________
Jane We watched what you wanted the last two times! And you adore on the main actor! 3____________
Lucy I know, but I’m not keen with violent films. 4____________
Jane Well, I’d prefer watching a science fiction than a comedy. 5____________
Lucy OK. Shall we settle in Star Trek? 6____________
Jane I’m a big fan to the original Star Trek, but … 7____________
Lucy But, you’re not really fancying on the remake. Shall we just go bowling? 8____________
Jane That’s great idea! Let’s phone the others! 9____________
Lucy That’s agree then. At last! Have you got Molly’s number …?10________
Jane I’m quite fancy that new war film. Shall we go later? ( 1 I вместо I'm)
Lucy Not another war film! I rather go to watch a comedy. 2 ( I'd вместо I, т.к would rather)
Jane We watched what you wanted the last two times! And you adore on the main actor! 3 ( adore the без on)
Lucy I know, but I’m not keen with violent films. 4 ( on вместо with, т.к. keen on...)
Jane Well, I’d prefer watching a science fiction than a comedy. 5 ( to вместо than, т.к. prefer to...)
Lucy OK. Shall we settle in Star Trek? 6 (on вместо in, т.к settle on..)
Jane I’m a big fan to the original Star Trek, but … 7 ( of вместо to, т.к to be fan of...)
Lucy But, you’re not really fancying on the remake. Shall we just go bowling? 8 (keen вместо fancying, т.к. keen on...)
Jane That’s great idea! Let’s phone the others! 9 ( 'a' пропущено, That's a great..)
Lucy That’s agree then. At last! Have you got Molly’s number …? 10 (agreed вместо agree)