b Complete the questions in the dialogue.
A Where did you go__ last night?
B I went to that new sushi bar in town.
B Yes, it was great.
A Who
B I went with my girlfriend.
A What
B I wore jeans and my new black shirt.
A What time
B We got home at about midnight.
a taxi home?
B Yes. We didn't want to drive.
A Did
a good time?
B Yes, we had a great time. The food was delicious!
it expensive?
B Yes, a bit.

b) Complete the questions in the dialogue.
A: Where did you go_to_ last night?
B: I went to that new sushi bar in town.
A: Was it good?
B: Yes, it was great.
A: Who did you go there with?
B: I went with my girlfriend.
A: What did you wear?
B: I wore jeans and my new black shirt.
A: What time did you get home?
B: We got home at about midnight.
A: Did you take a taxi home?
B: Yes. We didn't want to drive.
A: Did you have a good time?
B: Yes, we had a great time. The food was delicious!
А: Was it expensive?
B: Yes, a bit.
б). Заполните вопросы в диалоге.
А: Куда ты ходил вчера вечером?
Б: Я ходил в новый суши-бар в нашем городе.
А: Было там хорошо?
Б: Да, было здорово.
А: С кем ты туда ходил?
Б: Я пошел со своей девушкой.
А: Что ты надел?
Б: Я надел джинсы и свою новую чёрную рубашку.
A: Во сколько вы вернулись домой?
Б: Мы вернулись домой около полуночи.
A: Вы вернулись домой на такси?
Б: Да. Мы не хотели садиться за руль.
A: Хорошо ли вы провели время?
Б: Да, мы отлично провели время. Еда была восхитительной!
А: Она была дорогой?
Б: Да, немного дороговатой.