Перекладіть рідною мовою, утворіть нові речення, використовуючи форми теперішнього та майбутнього часів, змінюючи обставини часу.
1. I remember you had a guitar. Right? 2. You had a lot of work last week, didn't you? 3. He had a lot of mail the day before yesterday. 4. Which of you had time to watch the TV last night? 5. Did you have lunch in the canteen today? 6. How many subjects did you have for your winter exam? 7. When did you last have a meeting? 8. I hardly ever had headaches when I was young. 9. You didn't have much homework yesterday, either, did you. 10. He didn't have many subjects for his spring exam, either. 11. We had three minutes left to catch the train last time.
I remember you have a guitar. Right? 2. You have a lot of work this week, haven't you? 3. He has a lot of mail today. 4. Which of you have time to watch the TV this night? 5. Do you have lunch in the canteen today? 6. How many subjects do you have for your winter exam? 7. When do you have a meeting? 8. I hardly ever have headaches 9. You dont have much homework today, either, do you. 10. He doesn't have many subjects for his spring exam, either. 11. We have three minutes left to catch the train this time.
I remember you will have a guitar. Right? 2. You will have a lot of work next week, won't you? 3. He will have a lot of mail tomorrow. 4. Which of you will have time to watch the TV next night? 5. Will you have lunch in the canteen today? 6. How many subjects will you have for your winter exam? 7. When will you have a meeting?. 9. You won't have much homework tomorrow, either, will you. 10. He won't have many subjects for his spring exam, either. 11. We will have three minutes left to catch the train next time.