Theme: “Going to” in the negative / the Present Continuous with future meaning
Open the picture and do the tasks.

ex 1:
• Tina isn't going to go the park
• She isn't going to meet her friends
• She is going to cook for her family
• She is going to listen to music
• Luke isn't going to go to a restaurant
• He isn't going to go to school
• He is going to do homework online
• He is going to play video games
ex 2:
• (-) I am not going to go to zoopark
• (+) I am going to go to help my mom
• (-) I am not going to cook chicken
• (+) I am going to wear this dress
• (-) I am not going to do something special
• (+) I am going to go to the restaurant
1 задание
1) Tina is going to cook for family
2) She is going to listen to music
3) She isn't going to meet friends
4) She isn't going to go to the park
1) Luke is going to do homework online
2) He is going to play video games
3) He isn't going to go to the restaurant
4) He isn't going to go to school
2 задание
1) I'm not going to go to school
2) I'm not going to go to the cinema
3) I'm not going to do any homework
4) I'm going to eat ice cream
5) I'm going to watch TV
6) I'm going to draw something
Для 6 баллов многовато, но надеюсь помогла.