Предмет: Литература, автор: ellakonovalova1985

Форма Фольклора сообщение 5 класс.

YKA11112006: Подробнее опиши.


Автор ответа: kireevat986


Фольклор - народная мудрость устное словесное и музыкальное народное творчество.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: victoriasamarsk
Помогите, очень надо!!
Insert the Past Continuous or Past Perfect.
1. The Gadfly __ just __ washing the boy, and __ him in a warm blanket, when Gemma came in with a tray in her hands. (to finish, to wrap) (Voynich) 2. They __ the peacock door and stood there, talking, (to reach) (Galsworthy) 3. She [Nurse Hopkins] herself __ just __ and __ her bonnet strings when Mary entered. (to come in, to untie) (Christie) 4....she could see their faces in a looking-glass. They __ evidently __ themselves, (to enjoy) (Mit- ford) 5. Mr. Picku i:k found that his three companions __ and __ his arrival to commence breakfast, (to rise, to wait) (Dickens) 6. I led her to the sitting room. Antonia __ her tears and __ her nose again. She greeted Rosemary, (to dry, to powder) (Murdoch) 7. When Gemma returned with the milk the Gadfly __ the riding-cloak and. __ the leather gaiters which Martini __ (to put on, to fasten, to bring) (Voynich) 8. When I looked up again I saw that she __, and __ with her hand on the handle of the door, (to move, to stand) (Du Maurier) 9. Then, quite suddenly, I noticed a movement in the garden: someone. __ from the gate at the far end of the lawn and __ rapidly across towards the house, (to enter, to move) (Clark) 10. He hurried out into the big, dim vault of the station... The rain __ at the rails and wind was cold after the closed-in carriage, (to lash) (Lindsay) II. Elinor __ more than half a dozen steps... when a hand fell on her arm from behind, (to take — negative) (Christie) 12. When daylight came the storm __ still __ but the snow __. (to blow, to stop) (Hemingway)
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Варякот133