Предмет: История, автор: BEZIMENIboy

Расположите в хронологической последовательности исторические события.
1. создание Северного союза
2. проведение секуляризации церковных земель
3. сражение при Царндорфе​

karldor17: Немного неправильно написала цифры в рбьяснении, простите, просто торопилась


Автор ответа: karldor17


1.Создание Северного союза(1699-1700)

2.Сражение при цонфонде(1758 г) 3.Проведение спекуляции церковных земель(1764г)


1.Северный союз 1699—1700 годов — заключен между Русским царством, Речью Посполитой, Данией и Саксонией против Швеции в результате российской дипломатической миссии в Европу (Великое посольство)

1.Сражение 25 августа 1758 год во время Семилетней войны между русской армией под начальством Виллима (Уильяма) Фермора и прусскими войсками под командованием короля Фридриха II. Цорндорфом до конца Второй мировой войны называлось селение в Пруссии близ города и крепости Кюстрин, ныне - деревня Сарбиново у города Костшин в западной части Польши.

3.Впервые термин «секуляризация» был применён в XVII веке и означал передачу земельных владений из церковного в светское управление. Сам процесс проходил и раньше: при образовании централизованных национальных государств с помощью секуляризации светская власть освобождалась от церковного покровительства и укрепляла государственные финансы за счёт духовенства.

karldor17: Простите, неправильно цифры в обьянении написала
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Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on the Earth. Some people think bamboo is a tree, but it is not – bamboo is grass though some species can grow over 30 meters! People use bamboo for different purposes: to build and decorate houses, to produce textiles and paper, to make food and drinks. Recently, a new practical application for bamboo has been suggested: in the bicycle industry.
More and more Londoners prefer to use bicycles to get to their offices in the city centre. The latest model of this popular form of transport was presented at the motor show in Birmingham. It was made from bamboo. The designers, from Oxford Brooks University, say they have invented a bamboo bike not only for ecological reasons. According to them, bamboo is as safe as metal.
The new bikes will be produced in Yorkshire. At the beginning the price of a bike might be rather high - about 1700 pounds. Nevertheless, the designers expect that the model will be successful on the market. Its growing popularity will finally bring down the price. By the year 2014, the company is planning to produce five hundred thousand bamboo bikes for the British.
One of the inventors of the new technology, James Bruton, teaches at the University. During one of his seminars, students were testing different materials and chose bamboo. They discovered that its characteristics were ideal for long journeys because it stopped vibration. The whole journey becomes more pleasant than on a metal bike and the cyclist will be less tired.
Not everyone, however, believed in the safety of bamboo. Skeptics doubted if it could stand long distances. They argued that a metal frame helped the wheels turn faster. As a result, engineers decided to test the bamboo in a real situation. They rode twenty kilometers in the hills. The experiment was successful in spite of the difficult conditions.
During the project, designers had to solve another problem: what sort of bamboo to use, as not all of them were suitable for making a bike. Finally, from more than a thousand varieties, the scientists chose only one. Another important detail is that the bamboo should be cut at a definite stage of growth.
The director of the Raw Bikes Company, Rachel Hammond, says she would support the idea of a bamboo farm. She has been interested in bamboo bikes for a long time. Once she rode the bike, she felt comfortable and happy. Now Rachel has an idea to make bamboo bikes for import. Although production takes several days, she is sure the model is attractive and will have a long life.
Useful in many ways
An unusual material
A real enthusiast
Ambitious sales plans
А road test
A cycling competition
Excellent qualities
The right kind of bamboo