Предмет: Математика, автор: astanabuildingcity01

Потратили 5000 тенге, это составило 1/4 от первоначальной суммы. Найдите первоначальную сумму денег.срооочнооо! ​


Автор ответа: UroborusUrius


5000*4=20000 ............

Автор ответа: ildar502020

Ответ:   20 000 тенге

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5000 тенге  составляет  1/4  от первоначальной суммы.


1/4х = 5000;

х= 5000  :  1/4;

х = 5000 * 4;

х=  20 000  тенге

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Mumnum
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Fedotova200131
перевод на русский пож What causes earthquakes?
01.1.r o1d earth stretc hes and deforms its rock layers at a rate too fast for themselves
Scientists are not su/e whether the eart his growing
bigger and stretching crustàlrocks,orshrinking
to wrinkle them like dried appleskins.In any
tw isting ofthe rocks thatcause such trouble.
Chem icaland radioactivereactionsm elttheinteriorm
aterialscausing pressureagainsttheoverlying
rocks.M ostim portantm ay be the w eightof eaG h
m aterialm oved from placeto placeby the ruslting
waters of rivers.This happens slow ly,butthere is
a11thetimeintheworld,mldafterm illionsofyears
theweightof m aterialbecom esvery great. '
Breaking takes place along zones of weakness
called faults.Oneside of the rock m ovespastthe
other,sidew aysor up ordown,sliding and grinding
along the fault untilthe tension is released.
Therock then com esto restin itsnew position,to
stay untiltension builds up again.The following
two exam ples m ay dem onstrate the disaster.
On A pril18, 1906,one of the greatest shocks
in A m erican history struck San Francisco, It
happened at 5:12 on a weekday m orning w hen
the downtow n business districtw as deserted and
streets were empty.The death tollwas between
452 and 498 persons.
A ctually the quake buckled and rolled over
a 200-m i1e stretch of the San A ndreas fault.
Altogether,âtleast 700 persons were killed.
ata tim eofs-centbeerand ls-centprim ebeef.
W hat if a quake of sim ilar strength struck at
noon on a week-day? Itis a chilling possibility.
Can citieseventually bebuiltso they're quakeproof?
Yes,say the experts.
studied during thepasthalfcentury.
RThere is no reason for a fifty-storey building
to be less safe than a five-storey building if it is
constructed properlyy''saysDr.George W .H ousner,Caltech
willit eventually be possible to predict quakes?
An internationalstudy is now in progress in an
effort to answer this question.
GW ith increasing inform ation about the eazth
m ovem ents a1lover the world,''Dr.Benioff says,
d w ould tellus when and where the breaking point
hasbeen reached-''
It can't be concluded as yet that earthqultktls
com ein cyclesbecausethey haven'tbeen observtltl
orrecorded long enough.III r 3. The possibility ofconstructing quake-proof
<'The likelihood of a major er thquake hitting '
,, a.
itj gapanese ' 4' Pho Possibility to forecastearthquakes.
Tokyo is now greater than ever, s
geographer Takam asa Nakuno.On average severe ' r
, . - 3aaaxee 9.l'Ipoql/'ral're Iï rzepecltam Hq'e
earthquakes(aboutVIIIon theModified Mercali
SCaleOr6.5ontheRichterScale)alfecttheTokyo TORCT'
areaabout10timesacentury.Thelastcomparable Oneofm;favoriteplacesistheHindersRanges.
quake wasin 1929,sothenextisreckoned tobe Thisrtzggedandbeautifulchainofmountains,strdch.
welloverdue.The last destructive earthquake to ing from theSpencerGulfregionnorth towardsLake
affect Tokyo occurred in 1923 when 60,000 lives Eyre,is wellknown to South A ustralians,w ho cart
wereclaim ed and 370,000 housesweredestroyed. easilygettherein aday'sdrivefrom Adelaide.
Tokyo has changed considerably since 1923. y Itislessvisited bytravellersfrom otherstates
The urban area has expanded and the density of butIam pleased to seetravelwritersR on and Viv
wooden houses has increased. Nakuno sees new M oon have written a book on this area.
danger areas in the subways and underground ' The Flinders ss a long range,stretching from
shopping com plexes. the salubriousvillageofCrystalBrook to the arid
The Tokyo M etropolitan governm ent stillsees plalnsofM ountH opeless.And ithasbeen around
fireasthem ajorhazard resulting from an earth- a long time.Its geolo-gy reveals nearly half the
quake and its counter-m easures are designed to history ofour planet.
dealwith a largenumberofsim ultaneousfireson M ysteriouscarvingsin therocksrevealhum an
intlependent sites.A centralpart of their earth- habitation ofat least 15,000 years,
quakespolicy istodesignateopen spacesforevacu- ThefirstEuropean toseetherangeswasM atthew
ation and build fire-proofhighrise buildings.
Предмет: Математика, автор: кристина2264