Предмет: Психология, автор: Аноним

Як у всіх спави... Я зараз сиджу та три години роблю ІСТОРІЮ...........
Усім успіхів...

boryak55555: И тебе успехов, дела тоже не очень)


Автор ответа: Eva126812765
у мене все прекрасно, а у тебе?
Я вже четверту годину сиджу і роблю географію

boryak55555: А я сижу и четвертый час грущу \(-_-)/
Eva126812765: ++++++++++++++
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: verik1282
SOS помогите пжл Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте вопросительные предложения
по тексту (не менее 5). Sales contract
The sales contract is the legally binding agreement reached by the seller and
the buyer (the parties to the contract). It can be made orally or in writing, although
it is usual for the contract to be drawn up in writing to prevent disputes.
There are three ways to conclude a sales contract:
1. This is the most normal way of concluding a sales contract, because most
offers are non-binding. As non-binding offers can be changed or withdrawn at any
time, a sales contract does not exist until the seller confirms the order, making any
changes impossible.
2. Sellers tend to make firm offers when trading in goods where the prices
fluctuate a lot. They set a fixed and if the buyer doesn't place an order within the
period of time where, this price is valid, the offer with expires. The seller can then
make another offer with new prices to keep up with the prices on the market.
3. In this case, if the buyer is not interested in the goods, he is expected to
return them within a certain period of time, otherwise he will have to pay for them.
After a sales contract has been concluded, the seller and buyer have to fulfil
certain liabilities (that means there are certain things they have to do).
The seller's liabilities are:
- To deliver the goods on time and in perfect condition.
- To ensure that the title to the goods is transferred to the buyer — in other words, the
seller has to make sure that the buyer becomes the owner of the goods. This is
normally done by passing a special document, the document of title, to the buyer.
The buyer’s liabilities are:
- To accept delivery of the goods (this prevents him changing his mind after the
goods have been sent).
- To pay for the goods within the time agreed.
If one party doesn't fulfill its liabilities, the contract is broken (this is called
breach of contract). In this case the other party (injured party) can claim

1. What is the sales contact?
2. Can it be made orally?
3. When do the seller and the buyer have to fulfill the liabilities?
4. In what case can the injured party claim compensation?
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lidau00

Перевести текст Each year, the top high-school science students in the United States enter the Westinghouse Science Talent Search. This contest is the most prestigious of its kind. Finalists of this competition win cash awards in the thousands and have very high chances of being accepted to the top universities of the USA. The competition has been called the “Junior Nobel Prize”, a nickname that is quite merited considering six finalists have become Nobel Prize winners. The selection process is highly competitive and depends not only on the high-level scientific research paper but also recommendations, essays, test scores, and high school transcripts. Each year, the top 300 applicants are announced in mid-January. In late January, the 40 finalists are informed; they compete in March in Washington, D.C., at the National Academy of the sciences for the top ten spots, which have scholarships ranging from $20,000 to $100,000 for the first prize winner. In addition, all finalists receive $5,000 scholarships and an IntelCentrino powered laptop. The Nobel Prizes were founded by Swedish industrialist and scientist Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite in 1866. Alfred Nobel was many talents rolled in one as he worked as chemist, engineer and industrialist. Also, he could speak 5 languages fluently at the age of 17. He left 31 million Swedish kroner (today about 265 million dollar) to fund the Nobel Prizes. In his will dated November 27, 1895, Nobel dedicated a mammoth share of his fortune to honour work by awarding prizes in five areas - Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, and Peace. The Nobel Prizes are announced in advance but distributed every year on December 10 to mark the death anniversary of Alfred Nobel. The prize consists of a medal with inscription "Inventasvitamjuvatexcoluisse per artes," which in loose translation means - "And they who bettered life on earth by new found mastery.", personal diploma and cash worth 8 million Swedish kroner (roughly equal to $1.1 million US dollars as of october 2014). 1. Why do high-school students in the USA want to be called the “Junior Nobel Prize”? 2. Whom were The Nobel Prizes founded by? 3. Is it possible for any scientist to be a Nobel Prizes Winner? 4. When does the ceremony take place? 5. What is written on the medal? a) Knowledge arranged in an orderly manner. _______________ b) One who asks for a tries to get something. _______________ c) A payment of money to a clever student to enable him to continue his education. _______________ d) One’s destiny or future fate. _______________ e) Words cut on stone or stamped on a coin or medal. _______________
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