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В 12 задании выполнить В. составить вопросы.(13 не нужно)
Упр.24 написать антонимы (25 не нужно)

Ex 12
1 Why did Ben draw the picture?
2 Where did the clowns make their tricks?
*do tricks правильно))
3 How often did Bob go to the theatre last year?
4 Why is it good to spend time outdoors every day?
* What things are interesting to collect?
* What are interesting things to collect? Одна и та же мысль, 2 варианта))
Ex 25
2 small - large, big, huge, enormous
3 born - unborn, dead, killed, assassinated, murdered, или slaughtered (убитый, о животном)
4 pleasant - unpleasant, disgusting, repulsive
5 long - short (короткий), brief (краткий), laconic
6 unfriendly - friendly, kind, benevolent
7 tidy - untidy, messy
8 healthy - unhealthy, sick
9 cloudy - clear (о небе), sunny ( о дне)
10 fit - overweight, obese, fat
11 unwell - fine, healthy, fit, able-bodied
12 successful - unsuccessful, defeated, unrewarded
13 clean - dirty, filthy
14 beautiful - ugly, hideous
stupid, unborn, unhatched, unintelligent